Specifications & Logistics | Cruise Schedule & Chronology | ROV-Team | Image Gallery

Construction | Presentation | Tests | POS434 | POS438 | AL412 | AL414 | POS469 | POS504 | SO251-2 | POS511 | PS121 | 64PE475



Chief scientist: Dr. Peter Linke, 91̽»¨ Kiel

Expedition POS469 took place between the 10th and 19th of May, 2014,  and led to the submarine volcanic gas seeps off Panarea (Aeolian Islands) in the Tyrrhenaan Sea / southern Italy. It was conducted within the framework of the ECO2 EU-project and the Helmholtz Alliance "ROBEX - Robotic Exploration of Extreme Environments".

The main objective of the expedition was the quantitative investigation of this unique area, where different gases are simlutaneously emitted from the sediment into the water column with different and differing discharge rates (for details also see ). To meet these objectives, ROV PHOCA as well as a video-guided pump-CTD were deployed.

The main tasks of ROV PHOCA included the documentation of the working area, sampling of gases (using a gas tight sampler), taking water samples (with Niskin bottles), as well as deployment and recovery of ADCP and a Bubblebox for the quantitfication of gas discharge strength and its distribution.

During POS469, 11 scientific dives were accomplished in water depths between 40 and 75 m.

Photos (unless otherwise noted): ROV-Team 91̽»¨; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept 91̽»¨ or Dr. Friedrich Abegg.


  • Scientific Head

    Dr. Friedrich Abegg
    91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-2134
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: fabegg(at) 

    Technical Head

    Martin Pieper (Dipl. Ing.)
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-1688
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: mpieper(at) 

    Scientific Advisor

    Dr. Peter Linke
    Technik- & Logistikzentrum
    Tel.: 0431 600-2115
    Fax: 0431 600-1601
    E-mail: plinke(at)