Specifications & Logistics | Cruise Schedule & Chronology | ROV-Team | Image Gallery

Construction | Presentation | Tests | POS434 | POS438 | AL412 | AL414 | POS469 | POS504 | SO251-2 | POS511 | PS121 | 64PE475


"Water tests"

ROVs are complex machines, which are not available "off the schelf". This is especially the case for scientifically used ROVs, as these may be equipped with a large variety of tools and instruments configured to customer's demands.To make sure that all of these instruments are working solely and in combination under realistic conditions, numerous "water tests" are necessary. Therefore, the ROV team of the 91̽»¨ shifted their workplace from the 91̽»¨ to the Marine Arsenal Eckernförde in spring 2011 and to the submarine facility of the Marine Arsenal Kiel in spring 2012. Here, first and final test could be conducted, configurations and adjustments were done and newly acquired instruments thoroughly checked for operability.

In May 2012, ROV PHOCA finally was shipped to Norway for its first mission POS 434 onboard RV Poseidon.

Photos (unless otherwise noted): ROV-Team 91̽»¨; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept 91̽»¨ or Dr. Friedrich Abegg.


  • Scientific Head

    Dr. Friedrich Abegg
    91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-2134
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: fabegg(at) 

    Technical Head

    Martin Pieper (Dipl. Ing.)
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-1688
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: mpieper(at) 

    Scientific Advisor

    Dr. Peter Linke
    Technik- & Logistikzentrum
    Tel.: 0431 600-2115
    Fax: 0431 600-1601
    E-mail: plinke(at)