Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulf Riebesell
Professor of Biological Oceanography
working group Biogeochemical Processes (BI/BP)
Room no. 5-2.313
Phone: +49 (0)431 600-4444
email: uriebesell(at)
Personal Assistant/Office Management:
Room no. 5-2.310
Phone: +49 (0)431 600-4445
email: sgagliardi(at)
91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
campus Seefischmarkt, building 5
Wischhofstrasse 1 - 3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany
Research Interests
- Biological Oceanographiy
- Pelagic Ecology and Biogeochemistry
- Plankton physiology and evolutionary biology
- Ocean change (Alkalinity Enhancement, global warming, loss of oxygen)
- 1981-1983 Undergraduate studies in Biology, Christian Albrechts University (CAU), Kiel, Germany
- 1983-1985 Graduate studies, Institute for Marine Sciences (IfM), Kiel, Germany
- 1985-1986 Graduate studies, School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
- 1986-1988 Graduate studies, Masters's, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, USA
- 1988 M.Sc., University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, USA
- 1988-1991 Graduate studies, Ph.D., AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany
- 1991 Ph.D., University of Bremen, Germany
Professional Experience
- 1991-1992 Post-Doc, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany
- 1992-1994 Post-Doc, Marine Science Institute, University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
- 1994-1995 Research Scientist, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany
- 1995-2003 Senior scientist, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany
- 1997-2003 Head of the biological section, interdisciplinary carbon group, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany
- since 2003 Professor of Biological Oceanography, IFM-91̽»¨, now 91̽»¨, Kiel, Germany
- 2004-2007 Chair of scientific council, IFM-91̽»¨, now 91̽»¨, Kiel, Germany
- 2008-2009 Sabbatical, Marine Science Institute, University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
- 2007-2024 Head of research unit Biological Oceanography, IFM-91̽»¨, now 91̽»¨, Kiel, Germany
- 2009-2011 Vice head of research division Marine Biogeochemistry, IFM-91̽»¨, Kiel, Germany
- 2015 Sabbatical, Institute of Marine Science an Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia
Honours, Awards and Fellowships
- 1985-1986 Fulbright Scholarship
- 1994 Wilhelmshaven Award for Marine Sciences
- 1995 Lindeman Award of the American Society of Limnology & Oceanography (ASLO)
- 2011 Vladimir Vernadsky Medal, European Geosciences Union (EGU)
- 2012 Leibniz Research Award, German Science Foundation (DFG)
- 2017 European Research Council Advanced Grant
Memberships, Services, Activities
Professional memberships
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung e.V.
European Geophysical Union (EGU)
Community services
2004 Session chair of symposium The Ocean in a High CO2 World I, Paris
2005 Member of Royal Society report group for Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, London, UK
2006 Contributing author of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Report
2006-2015 Theme leader of BMBF Coordinated Project Surface Ocean Processes in the ANthropocene (SOPRAN)
2007-2009 Member of UNESCO-IOC consultative group on Ocean Iron Fertilization
2008 Member of organizing committee for symposium The Ocean in a High CO2 World II, Monaco
2008-2011 Chair of IOC working group for preparing a Guide for Best Practices in Ocean Acidification Research
2008-2012 Deputy coordinator of European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA)
2009-2011 Member of U.S. National Research Council (NRC) commission for preparing a research strategy for Ocean Acidification Monitoring, Research, and Impacts Assessment
2009-2012 Member of SOLAS/IMBER Joint Carbon Implementation group
2009-2012 Member of Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) advisory board of UK programme on ocean acidification (UKOA)
2009-2014 Member of scientific advisory board for Chinese project Carbon cycling in China Seas - budget, controls and ocean acidification (CHOICE-C)
2009-2017 Coordinator of German national project Biological Impacts of Ocean ACIDification (BIOACID)
2012 Chair of steering committee for The ocean in a high CO2 World III conference, Monterey, California, USA
since 2016 Coordinator of BMBF Bio-Tip project Humboldt Tipping
Major research projects
- 2006-2011 AQUASHIFT – The impact of climate variability on aquatic ecosystems (DFG)
- 2007-2015 SOPRAN – Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene (BMBF)
- 2008-2012 EPOCA – European Project on Ocean Acidification (EU)
- 2008-2020 SFB754 – Climate Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropics (DFG)
- 2008-2012 CalMarO – Calcification in Marine Organisms (EU)
- 2009-2012 MESOAQUA – Mesocosm Facilities in Aquatic Ecosystems (EU)
- 2009-2017 BIOACID – Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification (BMBF)
- 2015-2017 ASLAEL – Future change in upwelling systems (BMBF)
- 2017-2020 AQUACOSM – Aquatic mesocosms across ecosystems and climate zones (EU)
- 2017-2021 European Research Council Advanced Grant – Ocean Artificial Upwelling (ERC)
- 2018-2022 CUSCO - Coastal Upwelling System in a Changing Ocean (BMBF)
- 2019-2023 Humboldt Tipping - Social-Ecological Tipping Points of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System (BMBF)
- 2020-2024 AQUACOSM-plus - Aquatic mesocosms across ecosystems and climate zones (EU)
- 2020-2024 FutureMARES - Future Marine Ecosystem Responses and Sensitivities (EU)
- 2020-2024 Ocean NETs - Ocean-based negative emission technologies (EU)
- 2021-2024 Ocean CDR - Ocean-based carbon dioxide removal strategies (HGF)
- 2021-2024 RETAKE - Carbon Dioxide Removal by Alkalinity Enhancement: Potential, Benefits and Risks (BMBF)
- 2021-2024 Test-ArtUp - Road testing ocean artificial upwelling (BMBF)
- 2023-2027 Ocean ALK-ALIGN - Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- 2024-2027 TRAMAE - Impacts of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
Articles in scientific journals, peer-reviewed
Books and Bookchapter
A complete list can be found here.