Dr. Veit Dausmann

PostDoc Working Group Plankton Biogeochemistry and Imaging
Project group Imaging Technology and Deep Sea Plankton

Office Phone: +49 (0)431/600-4282

email: vdausmann[at]geomar.de

Address: 91̽»¨ | Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

ENB Wischhofstr. 1 - 3, D-24148 Kiel

Research Interests


  • Interactions between climatic and geochemical processes in the oceans.
  • Characterisation of the weathering of minerals and its influence on the chemical composition of the oceans. 
  • Application of modern imaging methods in order to display, observe and automatically classify microscopic objects such as e.g. plankton, marine snow, mineral fragments, etc. 
  • Artificial weathering strategies in order to increase marine alkalinity as a measure to dampen anthropogenic climate change.
