Prof. Jonathan Gregory, National Centre for Atmospheric Science University of Reading & Met Office Hadley Centre, Reading, UK: "A new conceptual model of global ocean heat uptake"
Dr. Richard Seager, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, USA: "Persistent discrepancies between modeled and observed trends in upper tropical Pacific Ocean temperature and a few implications for regional climate projections"
Dr. Tim Woollings, Professor, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics Department, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK: "The role of Rossby waves in polar weather and climate"
Dr. Dafydd Gwyn Evans, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, England: "Dissipation of mesoscale eddies at a western boundary via a direct energy cascade"
Dr. Tobias Bayr, 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel: "Variability of ENSO Amplitude and Asymmetry in the instrumental period and their Relation to Mean-state Changes"
Dr. Henrieka Detlef, Aarhus University, Department of Geoscience, Denmark: "Sea ice variability north of Greenland across the Holocene – The Arctic’s last ice area, Nares Strait ice arching, and the North Water Polynya."