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For those data types not included on the list you are requested to use codes D90, H90, P90, B90, M90, and G90 (for other types of physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, contamination, biology & fisheries, meteorology, and geology & geophysics data respectively).CFor some entries you will find that only one Code is required (e.g. for BTs, only H13 is needed), while for others a string of codes may be appropriate (e.g. for water bottle stations with measurements of temperature, salinity, oxygen, nitrate and phosphate, the codes H09, H21, H24 and H22 would be assigned to the entry).%Optics (e.g. underwater light levels)!Geochemical tracers (e.g. freons)#including bottom pressure recordersContaminants in organismsCore - soft bottomB53Monitoring and surveillanceB56Food chains energy transferB57Population and environmentsB58Population structuresB59#Taxonomy systematics classificationB60 PhysiologyB61 BehaviourB62Pathology parasitologyB63 ToxicologyB66Commercial fishingB67 AquacultureB80Other bio-measurementsD020Current meters (average duration of measurement)D07Drift cards (no. released)D08Bottom drifters (no. released)D10#Sea and swell (no. of observations)G05Sampling by diversG06Sampling by submersibleG07DrillingG09(Sea floor temperature (<=1m from bottom)G10&Acoustical properties of the sea floorG11'Engineering properties of the sea floorG12$Magnetic properties of the sea floorG13'Gravimetric properties of the sea floorG14Radioactivity measurementsG21G22G23G31Physical analysis of sedimentsG32Chemical analysis of sedimentsG33 PaleothermyG34!Paleomagnetism and rock magnetismG35 PaleontologyG36 GeothermyG37 GeochronologyG38Mineral & fossil resourcesG39Littoral zone studiesG70Other geo-measurementsG80Other measurementsH01*Continuous temperature recording (Surface)H02'Continuous salinity recording (Surface)H03+Discrete temperature measurements (Surface)H04(Discrete salinity measurements (Surface)H057Continuous temperature recording (near sea floor <=10m)H065Continuous Salinity recording (near sea floor <=10m)H078Discrete temperature measurements (near sea floor <=10m)H085Discrete salinity measurements (near sea floor <=10m)H12)Mechanical bathythermograph (no.of drops)H14Sound velocity stationsH15Acoustic stationsH18Diffusion (Dynamic)H29 ChlorinityH80Other physical measurementsM03Air-sea interface studiesM04Ice observationsP11Discoloured waterP06Thermal pollutionP07Waste water: BODP08Waste water: NitratesP09Waste water: MicrobiologyP10Waste water: OtherMotion picture of sea floor Bathymetry-wide beam Bathymetry-narrow beam B D=rQbiNn%vA#` # L f}C=# Xl }j \  [3Q:Thʉ S!`hʉ!!C}"r#C$ư$%pƓ% p.r-rM ex*UۡwU8vWT0]00hxvWpUExpUzm00 I00*0@0  |] 0  Whrung [0]_o wdwwp`T0PT0w{ww9OpT0T0T00X'T0T0"0T0T00T0T0lT0e0@|T0L40@|T0LlT0w0 4  0pS 3ڬp08ם0p00P`|`|A= 0`0ۦ008a 0@C) 2^" 0 DCPHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY CONTAMINATION METEOROLOGYH71$Surface measurements underway (T, S)P01Suspended matterM01Upper air observationsH13Bathythermograph drops Trace metalsM02Incident & Ul46AO4R  dMbP?_*+%&'(\.?)\.?MFHP Business Inkjet 1200 Series!@h߀ 4dBe4 d ExplorerdHBeںںHP Business Inkjet 1200 Series0 Series,LocalOnly,DrvConvertb  ' ,," Nx %? 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