Dies sind die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des 10. GAME-Projektes. In ihrer Globalstudie ging es um die Auswirkungen von Hitzestress auf die Toleranz mariner Invertebraten gegenüber weiteren Stressereignissen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind relevant für unser Verständnis von Bioinvasionen. Beim Transport von Arten mit Schiffen, die mehrere Klimazonen durchqueren, könnten stressresistente Populationen entstehen, die leichter neue Lebensräume erobern als Populationen der gleichen Art, die nicht dem Transportstress ausgesetzt waren.
GAME-Alumni projectX
GAME-Project X: 2012
Interests: Non-profit organisations, conservation and development cooperation
Current Job/Affiliation: project coordination, Norddeutsche Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung (NUE)
Links: You can find me on Facebook
GAME-Project: X
Team: Brasil
Contact: lisa.oberschelp@gmail.com
Last update: June 2017
Professional/Scientific Interests: Invasion ecology, marine biology conservation, management and conservation of natural resources, influences of anthropogenic induced stressors, environmental education and effects of pollution on marine communities.
Current Job/Affiliation: PhD candidate at 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany and Researcher at MARE Madeira, Portugal
Links: ;
GAME-Project: X and XI
Team: Portugal
Contact: fpaiva@geomar.de
Last update: June 2017
Professional/Scientific Interests: Marine benthic communities, Marine Chemical Ecology, Coral Reef Ecology, Biofouling, Bioinvasion, Rocky reef ecology, Chemical mediated interactions, Biological responses to climate change, Consumer-prey interactions
Current Job/Affiliation: PhD candidate at Federal Fluminense University, Brazil (UFF), Geology Department-LAGEMAR, Laboratório de Ecologia QuÃmica Marinha, Professor Pereira R.C. / Visiting PhD student at University of Western Australia (UWA), Oceans Institute & School of Biological Sciences, Wernberg Lab.
GAME-Project: X
Team: Brazil
Contact: felipevidamarinha(at)gmail.com
Last update: June 2017
Professional/Scientific Interests: ecology, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, functional traits, marine biology
Current Job/Affiliation: Completed Ph.D. (University of Southampton) currently searching for postdoc positions
GAME-Project: X
Team: Finland
Contact: d.wohlgemuth(at)mail.de
Last update: June 2017
Professional/Scientific Interests: Evolution, hybrid Speciation, environmental niche modelling, Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) using Next-Generation-Sequencing
Current Job/Affiliation: PhD student of Prof. Joachim W. Kadereit, Ph.D.
GAME-Project: X
Team: Indonesia
Contact: armin.fabritzek@gmail.com
Last update: June 2017