GAME Partnerinstitute/Netzwerk

- 38 wissenschaftliche Partner in 28 L盲ndern -




Institute: Mombasa
Local tutor: Professor Dr. J. M. Kanzungu
Participation: GAME 2003

Last update: March 2022

Mombasa, with a population of 900,000 Kenya鈥檚 second largest city, is marked by one of east Africa鈥檚 most important deep-water ports and also by gorgeous beaches. Its distance to the equator is about 280 miles.




1. Institute: Kuala Terengganu
Local tutors: Professor Dr. Liew Hock Chark, Dr. Zaleeha Kassim
Participation: GAME 2005, 2006, 2007

One of the few GAME study sites in the tropics. Kuala Terengganu is situated at the eastern coast of the Malacca peninsula in the South China Sea about 190 miles north of Kuala Lumpur. Sandy beaches and coral reefs are characterising the shore.

2. Institute: The Centre for Marine and Coastal studies (CEMACS)
Local tutors: Professor Dato麓 Dr. Aileen Tan Shau Hwai
Participation: GAME 2020, 2021, 2022

CEMACS is located at Teluk Aling the northwest coast of Penang Island in the Penang National Park. The centre is served by a number of core academics working in collaboration with research associates identified from other teaching schools as well as from outside the University.

Last update: March 2022




Institute: Instituto Ciencas del Mar y Limnologia in Puerto Morelos
Local tutors: Professor Dr. Vivianne Solis-Weiss
Participation: GAME 2013, 2014

Last update: March 2022

The Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnolog铆a (Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology) belongs to the Universidad Nacional Aut贸noma de M茅xico (Autonomous National University of Mexico: UNAM). UNAM is the largest university of Latin America and the oldest on the continent. The institute in Puerto Morelos on the Yucatan peninsula is quite small and the 14 researchers, the students and visiting scientists, who work here, create a familiar atmosphere right next to the ocean front. 



New Zealand

Institute: , University of Auckland, Leigh
Local tutor: Dr.
Participation: GAME 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Last update: March 2022

The study sites are located in the northern part of New Zealand, approximately 50 miles north of Auckland, where the Leigh Marine Laboratory borders the Goat Island Marine Reserve. It provides superior working possibilities and an experimental basin which is directly connected to the sea over a pump system. GAME sea water experiments take place in the near-by Leigh.




Institute: Gdynia and Gdansk
Local tutors: Professor Dr. Anna Szianawska
Participation: GAME 2006

Last update: March 2022

Besides Tv盲rminne (Finland) the Polish cities Gdynia and Gdansk were two other GAME study sites on the Baltic Sea, which, as a brackish system, provides particular ecological conditions.




  1. Institute: Faro
    Local tutor: Dr. Martin Sprunge & Dr. Ester Serrao
    Participation: GAME 2003

    Faro is a city and municipality in southern Portugal. It is the seat of the district of Faro and capital of the Algarve region. The University of the Algarve (Universidade do Algarve) was founded in 1979; it is particularly well-known for its marine biology, fisheries and oceanography courses, offered by its Marine and Environmental Sciences Faculty.
  2. Institute: Funchal on Madeira
    Local tutor: Dr. Manfred Kaufmann (2003-2008), Dr. Joao Canning-Clode (since 2013)
    Participation: GAME 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021

    Far away from the African coastline, the sheltered bays of Madeira Island provide interesting study sites for the GAME experiments. The sea water here is very oligotrophic, such that many bigger fouling community organisms, esp. molluscs, are missing. Consequently, aufwuchs-communities are dominated by algae.
  3. Institute:, Lisbon
    Local tutor: Dr. Joao Canning-Clode
    Participation: GAME 2012

    The marine-biological Lab of the University of Lisbon is located rigth at the rocky shore of Guia-Cascais.

Last update: March 2022



South Africa

  1. Institute: , Grahamstown
    Local tutor: Professor Dr. Christopher McQuaid
    Participation: GAME 2003

    Grahamstown is about 30 miles away from the Indian Ocean.
  2. Institute: , Capetown
    Local tutor: Professor Dr. George Branch, Dr. Maya C. Pfaff
    Participation: GAME 2004, 2019, 2020

    In the very north-east of South Africa, in KwaZulu-Natal, close to the border to Mozambique, the two study sites 鈥淢abibi鈥 and 鈥淟ala-Nek鈥 are found. Biogeographically, Maputaland shores belong to the tropical (warm and oligotrophic) Indo-West Pacific region. The beaches here are segmented by protruding rock points on two of which, in the intertidal zone, the experiments took place.

    Last update: March 2022



South Korea

Institute: Suwon
Local tutor: Professor Dr. Jeong Ha Kim
Participation: GAME 2004

Last update: March 2022

The city of Suwon is located about 30 miles south of Seoul near the Yellow Sea coast.




Institute: , University of Gothenburg, 罢箩盲谤苍枚
Local tutor: Dr. Henrik Pavia
Participation: GAME 2003, 2004

Last update: March 2022

Situated on the Swedish west coast the University of Gothenburg maintains a well equipped station with numerous research opportunities, among them, e.g. a big and regulatable mesocosm facility which can serve to simulate future climate scenarios. Also part of the Lov茅n Centre is a biological field station on the island of 罢箩盲谤苍枚. The Centre is a member of the European Association of Marine Biological Laboratories. At this site GAME projects were tutored by Dr Henrik Pavia.


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  • Seit 2011 wird GAME von einem Kuratorium unterst眉tzt und beraten.

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    Werden auch Sie F枚rderer von GAME!

    GAME ist auf die finanzielle Unterst眉tzung durch Unternehmen, Stiftungen und Privatpersonen angewiesen. Mit Hilfe unserer bisherigen F枚rderer haben zahlreiche Studierende aus aller Welt an diesem internationalen Trainingsprogramm  teilnehmen k枚nnen. Damit das Programm auch in Zukunft weitergef眉hrt werden kann, suchen wir F枚rderer, die sich f眉r die Meeresforschung, die Ausbildung von Studierenden und die internationale Vernetzung von Wissenschaftler:innen engagieren m枚chten.

    Erm枚glichen Sie durch Ihre Spende zuk眉nftigen Studierenden aus aller Welt die Teilnahme an GAME, das angewandte Forschung mit einer exzellenten Ausbildung verbindet.

    Bei Interesse oder Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

    Annette Tempelmann
    Mobil: 0176 76902809
