Microbiology and biotechnology facilities

o   Standard microbiology laboratories, equipped for L2 and S1 work including autoclaves, laminar flow.

o   6-fold parallel fermentation device for process development (Multifors, Infors)

o   300L- Pilot scale fermentation (Techfors, Infors) and respective cleaning in place (CIP)

o   10 L fermenter (Biostat, Braun)

o   Flow through process centrifuge (Z61, CEPA)

o   Cross flow filtration for 50L batches

o   Spray dryer (B-290, Büchi)

o   Diversity of shakers and incubators

o   Incubation rooms

o   Homogenizers (French Press, cell mill, Pulverisette)

o   - 80 °C and -100 °C freezers, Liquid nitrogen storage

o   Microscope (Axioscope 40L, Zeiss)

o   Molecular lab including cyclers (T200, Biometra), electrophoresis equipment and imager (Intas)

  • Leiterin der Forschungseinheit:

    Prof. Dr. Deniz Tasdemir
    91̽»¨ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel

    Tel.: +49-431 600-4430
    E-Mail: dtasdemir@geomar.de

    Wischhofstraße 1 - 3
    24148 Kiel


    Julia Chapela Collazo
    Telefon: +49-431 600-4437
    E-mail: jchapelacollazo@geomar.de