Dr. rer. nat. Henk-Jan T. Hoving
Raum: 1.509
Tel.: 0431 600-4566
E-Mail: hhoving@geomar.de
Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel
Berufserfahrung / Ausbildung
2017-heute Head of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group 'The role of pelagic foodfalls in subsidizing deep-sea bottom communities in a changing ocean'
2013-2017 Future Ocean Postdoctoral fellow at 91探花 鈥 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany.
2010-2013 Postdoctoral Fellow Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), Moss Landing, California, USA.
2009-2010 Honours College Coordinator, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
2008-2009 Lecturer (in Marine Biology and Invertebrate Zoology), Department of Ocean Ecosystems, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
2008 PhD Biology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
2002 MSc Biology, specialisation Marine Biology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Wissenschaftliches Interesse
Henk-Jan Hoving leitet die Arbeitsgruppe 'Deep-Sea Biology', die sich mit Wachstum, Fortpflanzung, Biodiversit盲t und der Nahrungsnetz枚kologie von Tiefseeorganismen, im Speziellen Cephalopoda (Kopff眉脽er) und gelatin枚sem Zooplankton, befasst.
Ein wichtiges Ziel seiner Arbeitsgruppe ist es, die Rolle der mittelgro脽en pelagischen Fauna (Tintenfisch, Fisch und gelatin枚ses Plankton) in benthischen Tiefseegemeinschaften und der biologischen Kohlenstoffpumpe zu verstehen. Unsere Forschung beinhaltet die Dokumentation der biologischen Vielfalt und Verteilung mittelgro脽er pelagischer Gemeinschaften, die Identifikation der in das Nahrungsnetz der Tiefsee involvierten Spezies, die Quantifizierung deren Beitrags zum Kohlenstoffbudget in der Tiefsee und die Erforschung von Aasfressergemeinschaften und deren Vorkommen in verschiedensten Regionen und Tiefen des Ozeans.
Die Arbeitsgruppe befasst sich auch mit der Frage, wie sich die pelagische Fauna an ein Leben in der Tiefsee anpasst, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Wachstums-, Fortpflanzungs- und Nahrungsstrategien liegt. Dies hilft, die Lebensweise von pelagischen Lebewesen und Tiefseeorganismen zu verstehen und zu beobachten, wie diese mit dem Klimawandel und anderen Ver盲nderungen der Umwelt umgehen.
- Verleihung der Emmy Noether Auszeichung, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Cluster of Excellence 'Future Ocean', Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Monterey bay Aquarium Research Institute funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Rubicon Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
- 2020 Associate Editor Marine Biology
- 2019 Reviewer for DFG grant proposals
- 2019 Thesis examiner Rhodes University, South Africa
- 2013-2018 Member of the Cluster of Excellence 鈥楩uture Ocean鈥
- 2016-heute Associate Editor Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.
- 2015-heute Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group
- 2013 PhD examiner for Melbourne University, Australia
- 2006-heute Provided referee reports on manuscript submissions for 25 scientific journals.
- Seit 2019 Invited member of the Helmholtz Pelagic Optics Initiative
- Seit 2019 Member of the American Society for Limnology and Oceanography
- Seit 2018 Invited member of the 91探花 Technology and Logistics Council (鈥淏eirat鈥)
- Seit 2017 Member of the Deep-Sea Biology Society
- Seit 2015 Collaborator in the SFB 754 "Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean"
- Seit 2015 Member of the Climate Change Working Group in the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative
- Seit 2012 Elected council member of the Cephalopod International Advisory Council
Ausfahrten der letzten 5 Jahre (gesamt 30 mehrt盲gige Schifffahrten; > 360 Tage)
2019 R/V Western Flyer, 7 days MBARI Midwater Ecology Expedition Monterey Bay. Chief scientist Dr. BH Robison
2019 FS Polarstern PS121, 35 days, ancillary user project CARCASS investigating the role of plankton and nekton in the biological carbon pump using deep-sea landers, PELAGIOS, Multinet, CTD and eDNA collection. Chief Scientist Dr. K Metfies (AWI)
2019 FS Poseidon POS532, 21 days investigating the role of gelatinous zooplankton in the biological carbon pump in Cape Verde waters, manned submersible JAGO, PELAGIOS, Multinet, CTD and eDNA collection. Chief Scientist Dr. HJT Hoving
2018 FS Heincke HEI518, 9 days investigating nekton and plankton in the Norwegian Sea. PELAGIOS, Multinet, Trawl, Baited camera landers. Chief Scientist Dr. U Piatkowski
2018 FS Poseidon POS520, 17 days, Investigating pelagic communities in Cape Verde waters using manned submersible JAGO, PELAGIOS, Multinet, CTD and eDNA collection. Chief Scientist Dr. HJ
2017 FS Maria S. Merian MSM61, 9 days, Studying pelagic communities of macrozooplankton and nekton at time series station CVOO, Senghor seamount and mesoscale eddies. Deployment of seamount observatory. Chief Scientist Dr. B Fiedler
2017 FS Meteor M138, 33 days, Cruise for SFB754 project. Deployment PELAGIOS for investigating vertical ecological zonation of the oxygen minimum zone off Peru. Chief Scientist Prof. Dr. H Bange.
2016 FS Western Flyer, 7 days MBARI Midwater Ecology Expedition Monterey Bay. Chief scientist Dr. BH Robison
2015 FS Meteor, 38 days from Mindelo, Cape Verde to Recife, Brazil. Deployment of towed pelagic in situ observation system PELAGIOS. Chief scientist Prof. P Brandt
2015 FS Maria S. Merian, 19 days, Las Palmas, Spain to Mindelo, Cape Verde. Deployment of PELAGIOS, responsible for 91探花 team (5 students and 1 technician). Chief scientist Dr. B Christiansen
2015 R/V Walther Herwig III, 16 days from Dakar, Senegal to Mindelo, Cape Verde. Mesopelagic trawl sampling. Chief Scientist Dr. H Fock
2015 R/V Western Flyer, 10 days La Paz to La Paz, Mexico. MBARI Midwater Ecology Expedition Gulf of California, pelagic ROV surveys. Chief scientist Dr. BH Robison
Ausgew盲hlte Publikationen
Burford BP, Wild LA, Schwarz R, Bowers A, Chenoweth E, Sreenivasan A, Elahi R, Gilly WF, Heintz RA, Field JC, Hoving H.J.T., Straley J & Denny MW (2022) Rapid range expansion of a marine ectotherm reveals the demographic and ecological consequences of short-term variability in seawater temperature and dissolved oxygen. American Naturalist
Hoving H.J.T. and Freitas R (2021) Pelagic observations of the Midwater scorpionfish Ectreposebastes imus (Setarchidae) suggests a role in trophic coupling between deep-sea habitats. Journal of Fish Biology 100 (2): 586-589
Merten, V., Bayer, T., Reusch, TBH., Puebla, O., Fuss, J., Stefanschitz, J., Lischka, A., Hauss, H., Neitzel, P., Piatkowski, U., Czudaj, S., Christiansen, B., Denda, A., Hoving, H.J.T. (2021) An Integrative Assessment Combining Deep-Sea Net Sampling, in situ Observations and Environmental DNA Analysis Identifies Cabo Verde as a Cephalopod Biodiversity Hotspot in the Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science
Hoving, H.J.T., Neitzel, P., Hauss, H., Christiansen, S., Kiko, R., Robison, B.H., Silva, P, and K枚rtzinger, A. (2020) In situ observations show vertical community structure of pelagic fauna in the eastern tropical North Atlantic off Cape Verde. Scientific Reports 10:21798
Lischka, A, Lacoue-Labarthe, T, Bustamante, P, Piatkowski, U, Hoving HJT. (2020) Trace elements in the boreoatlantic gonate squid (Gonatus fabricii) demonstrate its ecological key role in polar regions of the Atlantic Ocean. Environmental Pollution 256: 113389
Hoving, HJT, Christiansen, S, Fabrizius, E, Hauss, H, Kiko, R, Linke, P, Neitzel, P, Piatkowski, U. and K枚rtzinger, A. (2019) Ocean Science 15 (5) 1327-1340 .
Christiansen, S*, Hoving, HJT*, Sch眉tte, F, Hauss, H, Karstensen, H, K枚rtzinger, A, Schr枚der, S, Stemmann, L, Christiansen, B, Picheral M, Brandt, P, Robison, BH, Koch, R, Kiko, R. (2018) Particulate matter flux interception in oceanic mesoscale eddies by the polychaete Poeobius sp. Limnology and Oceanography *equal contribution
Schwarz, R, Piatkowski, U, Hoving, HJT. (2018) The impact of environmental temperature on the lifespan of octopods. Marine ecology Progress Series 605: 151-164
Hoving HJT, Bush SL, Haddock SHD, Robison BH. (2017) Bathyal feasting: post-spawning squid as a source of carbon for deep-sea benthic communities. Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20172096
Purser A, Marcon Y, Hoving, HJT, Vecchione M, Piatkowski U, Easone D. Bluhm H, Boetius A. (2016). Association of deep-sea incirrate octopods with manganese crusts and nodule fields in the Pacific Ocean. Current Biology ), 1268-1269
Hoving HJT, Laptikhovsky VV, Robison BH. (2015). Vampire squid鈥檚 reproductive strategy is unique among coleoid cephalopods. Current Biology ): 322鈥323