(May 27 - June 8, 2018)
Visit our website to see the results of the project work in 2018.
In 2020 the HOSST-TOSST Videoseminars are scheduled to every 4th Thursday of the month. Special events are announced timely and will be arranged on Thursdays at the usual seminar time. Detailed information and links to Zoom Meetings are distributed via the mailing lists.
Helmholtz Research School Ocean System Science and Technology (HOSST)
Bitte beachten Sie: Da es sich bei der Transatlantic Research School um ein rein englischsprachiges Projekt handelt, liegen die Inhalte auch nur in Englisch vor.
The transatlantic Helmholtz Research School for Ocean System Science and Technology (HOSST) aims to train the next generation of researchers in the key scientific areas critical for responsible resource utilization and management of the ocean with special emphasis on their "local ocean" - the North Atlantic.
HOSST pools the complementary expertise of the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (91̽»¨), the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, the Dalhousie University and the Institute for Ocean Research Enterprise (IORE) and is organized around three themes which encompass key sensitivities of the North Atlantic to external forcing and resource exploitation: 4D Ocean Dynamics, Ecosystem Hotspots, and Seafloor Structures. Interactions within and between these themes regulate how the ocean system responds to both anthropogenic and natural change.
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