Katja Matthes | Lehre
Master of Science: "Climate Physics: Meteorology and Physical Oceanography"; in Englisch:
- Modern Aspects in Meteorology I: "Climate Modeling and IPCC2013" (Vorlesung + Seminar)
- Modern Aspects in Meteorology II: "Data Assimilation" (Vorlesung + Seminar)
- Modern Aspects in Meteorology III: "The Stratosphere" (Vorlesung + Seminar)
- Advanced Meteorology: Cloud Physics (Vorlesung + Ãœbungen)
- Advanced Meteorology: Radiation (Vorlesung + Ãœbungen)
- Advanced Meteorology: Stratospheric Physics and Dynamics (Vorlesung + Ãœbungen)
- Meteorological Seminar: "Clouds and Circulation"
- Advanced Meteorological Seminar: "Seamless predictions"
- Advanced Meteorological Seminar: "North Atlantic Climate Variability"
- Oceanography-Meteorology-Climate Seminar: "Decadal Variability and Trends of the Pacific Ocean-Atmosphere System"
- Meteorological Lunch Seminar
Bachelor of Science: "Physik des Erdsystems: Meteorologie - Ozeanographie - Geophysik"; in Deutsch:
- Literaturseminar der Meteorologie, Ozeanographie, Geophysik