Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
FB 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
FE Marine Geodynamik
- Telefon:
- +49 431 600 2051
- E-Mail:
- msoleimanimonfared(at)
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
Job experiences
- 05.2024 – Current (Associate Researcher)
91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, FB 4: Dynamic of the Ocean Bottom, Marine geodynamics
MetaSeis Project: Standardization of reflection seismic and OBS metadata
MAWACAAP Project: Acquisition, processing and Interpretationof P-cable reflection seismic data.
- 10.2023 – 04.2024 (Associate Researcher)
Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Section 4: Geothermic and Information system.
Warm-Up Project: Interpretation of 3D seismic data for middle deep Geothermal reservoir of the North German Basin.
- 01.2023 – 09.2023 (Postdoc Position)
91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, FB 4: Dynamic of the Ocean Bottom, Marine geodynamics
CASCADIA Project: Processing and interpretation of OBS data. Imaging of subsurface for CO2 storage in the basalt layer.
- 10.2020 – 12.2022 (Associate Professor)
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Geophysical Institute (GPI),
Georg Forster Research Fellowship for experienced researcher, from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Working on Full Waveform Inversion (FWI).
- 09.2009 – 09.2020 (Associate Professor)
Shahrood University of Technology, Iran. Department of Mining, Petroleum and Geophysics.
Research and teaching in Exploration Seismic, seismic data processing and interpretation.
- 07.2018 – 09.2018 (Visiting Associate Professor)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Geophysical Institute (GPI),
Research on seismic imaging, Full Waveform Inversion, velocity modelling and seismic data interpretation.
- 03.2009 – 04.2009 (Visiting Scientist)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Geophysical Institute (GPI),
Research in CRS and CDS method in seismic imaging and 2D seismic interpretation.
- 03.2008 – 10.2008 (Visiting Ph.D. student)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Geophysical Institute (GPI),
Guest Ph.D. student, research in CRS seismic imaging, developing the CRS method to CDS method in seismic data interpretation.
- 03.2007 (Visiting Ph.D. Student)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Geophysical Institute (GPI),
Research on CRS seismic imaging, Normal Incidence Point (NIP) tomography inversion, Diffraction imaging.
ISI Peer Reviewed Journals
Azadbakht, F., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Radfar, A. (2024). New insights into the geometry of gas chimneys in the Gorgan plain through seismic attribute integration. Acta geophysica,
Rezaei, M., Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M, Hertweck, T. (2024) A new strategy for pre-stack time migration velocity analysis to assess and mitigate structural uncertainty. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Volume 223, 105345
Hedayat; B., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Somoza Losada, L. (2024), Automatic mud diapir detection using ANFIS Expert Systems algorithm on seismic data; a case study in the Gorgan plain, Iran. Environmental Earth Science 83, 403.
Samadi, I., Soleimani Monfared, M., Kordi, M., (2024), Geological modelling of petroleum reservoir through multi-scale analysis of faults and fractures in complex media. Journal of Asian Earth Science, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 271, 106238,
Anvari, R., Roshandel, A., Soleimani Monfared, M. and Mohammadi, M. (2024) Random noise attenuation in seismic data using an adaptive thresholding and the second-order variant time-reassigned synchrosqueezing transform. Acta Geophy.
Paksima, S., Radad, M., Roshandel Kahoo, A. and, Soleimani Monfared, M., (2023). Identification of thin gas reservoir in reflection seismic data by synchrosqueezing S-transform in time-frequency representation. Arabian Journal of Geoscience16, 376,
Khoshnavaz, MJ., Roshandel Kahoo, A., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Siahkoohi, HR. (2023) Reduction of normal-moveout stretch using nonstationary scaling transformation in time-frequency domain. Geophysics 88 (1), V1-V8.
Anvari, R., Mohammadi, M., Mafakheri, J. Roshandel Kahoo, A., Soleimani Monfared, M., Rashidi, S., and Mohammed, A.H., (2023). Denoising of multidimensional seismic data in the physical domain by a new non-local self similarity method. Earth Science Informatics. 16, 1041–1060.
Khayer, K., Fard, E.H., Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Fard, AA. (2023). Integration of feature extraction, attribute combination and image segmentation for object delineation on seismic images. Acta Geophysica,
Alaei, N., Soleimani Monfared, M., Kahoo, A.R., and Bohlen, T., (2022) Seismic imaging of complex velocity structures by 2D pseudo-viscoelastic time-domain full-waveform inversion. Applied, Sciences, Advancing Complexity Research in Earth Sciences and Geography. 12(15), 7741;
Khayer, K., Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M., Tokhmechi, B., and Kavousi, K., (2022). Target-Oriented Fusion of Attributes in Data Level for Salt Dome Geobody Delineation in Seismic Data. Natural resource research,
Khayer, K., Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M., Kavoosi, K., (2022). Combination of seismic attributes using graph-based methods to identify the salt dome boundary. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 215, Part A, 110625,
Mousavi, J., Radad, M., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Rooshandel kahoo, A., (2022) Fault Enhancement in Seismic Images by Introducing a Novel Strategy Integrating Attributes and Image Analysis Techniques. Pure and Applied geophysics,
Mafakheri, J., Kahoo, A.R., Anvari, R., Mohammadi, M, Radad, M., and Soleimani Monfared, M., (2022). Expand Dimensional of Seismic Data and Random Noise Attenuation Using Low-Rank Estimation. 2773 – 2781.
Fard, E.H., Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M., Khayer, K and Fard, AA. (2022). Automatic seismic image segmentation by introducing a novel strategy in histogram of oriented gradients. Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering, 209, 109971,
Khasraji Nejad, H., Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M., Radad, M., and Khayer, K., (2021). Proposing a new strategy in multi seismic attribute combination for identification of buried channel. Marine Geophysical Research. 42, 35.
Rointan, A., Soleimani Monfared, M. and Aghajani, H. (2021) Improvement of seismic velocity model by selective removal of irrelevant velocity variations. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 56, 145–176.
Anvari, R., Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M., Mohammadi, M., Dler Omer, R.M., and Mohammed, A.H., (2021) Random noise attenuation in seismic data using Hankel sparse low-rank approximation. Computers & Geosciences, 153, 104802,
Mahdavi, A., Kahoo, A.R., Radad, M., and Soleimani Monfared, M., (2021) Application of the local maximum synchrosqueezing transform for seismic data. Digital Signal Processing, 110, 102934.
Nasri, S., Nejati, A., Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M., (2020) New insights into the structural model of the Makran subduction zone by fusion of 3D inverted geophysical models. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 188, 104075.
Shahbazi, A., Soleimani Monfared, M., Thiruchelvam, V., Ka Fei, T., Babasafari, A.A., (2020). Integration of knowledge-based seismic inversion and sedimentological investigations for heterogeneous reservoir. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 202, 104541,
Farrokhnia, F. Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani, M. (2018), Automatic salt dome detection in seismic data by combination of attribute analysis on CRS images and IGU map delineation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 159, 395-407,
Alaei, N., Kahoo, A.R. Kamkar Rouhani, A., and Soleimani, M., (2018), Seismic resolution enhancement using scale transform in time-frequency domain. Geophysics. 83(6), V305-V314.
Radfar, A., Rahimi, A., Nejati, A., Soleimani, M., and Taati, F., (2018), New insights into the structure of the South Caspian Basin from seismic reflection data, Gorgan Plain, Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch), 108, 379–402,
Soleimani, M. Aghajani, H., and Heydari-Nejad, S., (2018). Structure of giant buried mud volcanoes in the South Caspian Basin: enhanced seismic image and field gravity data by using normalized full gradient method. Interpretation, 6(4), T861-T872.
Soleimani, M. Aghajani, H., and Heydari-Nejad, S., (2018) Salt dome boundary detection in seismic image via resolution enhancement by the improved NFG method, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 53(3), 463-478.
Soleimani, M. (2017), Well performance optimization for gas lift operation in a heterogeneous reservoir by fine zonation and different well type integration. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 40, 277-287.
Soleimani, M. (2017), Challenges of seismic imaging in complex media around Iran, from Zagros overthrust in the southwest to Gorgan Plain in the northeast. The Leading Edge, 36(6), 499–506.
Soleimani, M. (2017), Naturally fractured hydrocarbon reservoir simulation by elastic fractures modeling. Petroleum Science, 14, 286–301.
Moradpouri, F. Moradzadeh, A., Pestana, R.N.C., Ghaedrahmati, R., and Soleimani, M., (2017), An improvement in wave-field extrapolation and imaging condition to suppress RTM artifacts, Geophysics, 82(6), S403-S409.,
Soleimani, M., Jodeiri, B., and Rafie, M., (2016), Integrated petrophysical modeling for a strongly heterogeneous and fractured reservoir, Sarvak Formation, SW Iran. Natural Resources Research. 26(1) 75-88.
Soleimani, M., Jodeiri, B., and Rafie, M., (2016), Improvement of seismic structural interpretation of Zagros fold-thrust belt by dip scanning in common diffraction surface imaging method. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 52(3), 283-299.
Soleimani, M. (2016), Seismic imaging by 3D partial CDS method in complex media. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 143, 54–64.
Soleimani, M., Rafie, M., (2016), Imaging of seismic data in complex structures by introducing the partial diffraction surface stack method. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. 60 (4), 644-661,
Soleimani, M. Balarostaghi, M., (2016), Seismic image enhancement in post stack depth migration by finite offset CDS stack method. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 6, 605–615.
Soleimani, M. (2016), Seismic image enhancement of mud volcano bearing complex structure by the CDS method, a case study in SE of the Caspian Sea shoreline. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 57, 1757–1768.
Soleimani, M. and Jodeiri, B., (2016), Intrinsic geological model generation for chromite pods in the Sabzevar ophiolite complex, NE Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 78, 138–150.
Shahbazi, A. Ghosh, D., Soleimani, M. and Gerami, A., (2016), Seismic imaging of complex structures with the CO-CDS stack method. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. 60 (4), 662-678,
Moradpouri, F. Morad-Zadeh, A., Pestana, R.C., and Soleimani, M., (2016), Seismic reverse time migration using a new wave field extrapolator and a new imaging condition. Acta Geophysica, 64(5), 1673-1690,
Fa’al Rastegar, S.A. Javaherian, A., Keshavarz Farajkhah, N., Soleimani, M., and Zarei, A., (2016), Effective parameters in ground roll attenuation using FO CRS stacking. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 135, 249-260.
Fa’al Rastegar, S.A. Javaherian, A., Keshavarz Farajkhah, N., Soleimani, M., and Zarei, A., (2016), Ground-roll attenuation using modified common offset common reflection surface stacking, Applied Geophysics, 13(2), 353-363,
Soleimani, M. (2015), Seismic imaging of mud volcano boundary in the east of the Caspian Sea by common diffraction surface stacks method. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 8, 3943 –3958.
Soleimani, M., and Jodeiri, B., (2015), 3D static reservoir modeling by geostatistical techniques used for reservoir characterization and data integration. Environmental Earth Science, 74, 1403–1414.
Soleimani, M. (2013), Simulation of petroleum exploration based on a conceptual decision model: Taking the Dezful Embayment in southwestern Iran as an example. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 40(4), 476-480.
Soleimani, M. Piruz, I., Hubral, P. and Mann, J., (2009), Common reflection surface stack, accounting for conflicting dips situation by considering all possible dips. Journal of Seismic Exploration. 18, 271-288.
Scopus Peer Reviewed Journal
Kahoo, A.R., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Radad, M., (2021) Identification and modeling of salt dome in seismic data using three-dimensional texture gradient. Iranian Journal of Geophysics, 15(1), 19-33.
Shahbazi, A., Soleimani Monfared, M., Thiruchelvam, V., Ka Fei, T., (2020) Presenting an integrated strategy for porosity mapping in a genetic-based seismic inversion framework in a heterogeneous reservoir. Iranian Journal of Geophysics, 14(4), 41-65.
Mollaesmaeil, A., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Ghavami, R., (2020) Discrete multiscale modelling of fractures in natural fractured reservoir, a case study from a field in the Persian Gulf. Journal of Petroleum Geomechanics 3 (4), 1-20.
Aghabarar, E., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Kahoo, A.R., (2020). Presenting automatic velocity model updating by reducing residual depth move-out in the presence of lateral velocity changes and velocity anomaly. Iranian Journal of Geophysics, 14(3), 51-83.
Velashani, E.N., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Kahoo, A.R., (2020). Seismic imaging in complex structures by hybrid gridded tomography velocity model. Journal of Analytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering 10 (22), 59-76.
Samadi, I., Soleimani Monfared, M., Kordi, M., and Ahmadi, A., (2019) Introducing a strategy in recognition and simultaneous modelling of fractures with FMI logs and seismic data through reservoir zonation in a field from south of Iran. Journal of Petroleum Geomechanics 3 (3), 14-24.
*Ebrahimi, H., Kamkar Rouhani, A., and Soleimani, M., (2018), Introduction of Developed Reservoir Quality Index in Characterization of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Study of Kangan Formation in one of Field of Iran. Petroleum Research, 28(100), 44-48.
Fa’al Rastegar, S. A. Javaherian, A., Keshavarz Farajkhah, N., Soleimani, M., and Zarei, A., (2018), Ground Roll and Random Noise Attenuation Using Common Offset Common Reflection Surface Stacking. Petroleum Research, 28(100) 1-3.
Pahlavanloo, A., Soleimani, M. and Gallo, C., (2017) Improving seismic image in complex structures by new solving strategies in the CO-CRS and the CO-CDS methods. Iranian Journal Geophysics, 10, 42-56.
Moradpouri, F. Moradzadeh, A., Pestana, R.N.C., and Soleimani, M., (2017), An improvement in RTM method to image steep dip petroleum bearing structures and its superiority to other methods. Journal of Mining and Environment. 8(4), 573-578.
Soleimani, M. Khalilzadeh, A., (2016) Seismic imaging of complex structures by integrating pre-stack time migration and surface stacking methods. Journal of the Earth and Space Physics. 42(2), 293-308.
Soleimani, M. and Mohammadi S., (2015), Smoothing imaging condition and handling lateral velocity change in Gaussian Beam seismic imaging. Journal of Research on Applied Geophysics. 1(1), 45-58,
Baghzendani, H.R., Aghajani, H. and Soleimani, M., (2015). Subsurface modeling of mud volcanoes, using density model and analysis of seismic velocity. Journal of Mining and Environment. 6(1), 31-39.
Soleimani, M. Shahsavani, H., and Mann, J., (2014) Fault detection in reflection seismic data by common diffraction surface stack, a case study in Rheine Graben, Germany. Journal of the earth and space physics. 39(4), 31-44.
Al-Howidy, M.; von Hartmann, H., Soleimani Monfared, M.; Moeck, I. (2024) Integrated geothermal reservoir characterization in the North German Basin. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU24), 14-19 April, 2024 Vienna, Austria.
Rezaei Nevisi, A., Riahi, M.A., Bohlen, T., Soleimani Monfared, M. and Bagheri, M. (2023) An unsplit perfectly matched layer for second-order heterogeneous time-domain elastic wave equation. 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, p.1 – 5
Shahbazi, A., Soleimani Monfared, M., and Anatolievich, S.V., (2019) Integrated strategy for porosity mapping using genetic inversion on heterogeneous reservoir, ASEG Extended Abstracts, 2nd Australian Exploration Geoscience Conference.
Shahbazi, A. Ghosh, D., Soleimani, M., and Mann J., (2014), Solving the conflicting dips problem in complex media by considering all possible dips in CRS method. International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) Doha, Qatar. IPTC-17359.
Soleimani, M. Adibi, E., Mann, J., and Sokooti, M.R., (2012), Offset limited CDS stack a new technique to optimize common diffraction surface stack method, 74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Soleimani, M. Mann, J., Shahsavani, H., and Hubral, P., (2012) Finding the Zagros thrust fold belt scenario in Izeh zone through enhanced CRS seismic section. Istanbul International Geophysical Conference and Oil & Gas Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey.
Soleimani, M., Adibi, E., and Mann, J., (2011), Imaging in Complex Structures by Post-stack Time Migration and CRS Stack. 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Sociedade Brasileira de GeofÃsica, (SBGf).
Soleimani, M. Mann, J., Adibi, E. and Piruz, I., (2010) Improving the seismic image quality in semi-complex structures in north east Iran by the CDS stack method. 72nd EAGE, Barcelona.
Academic and Science metrics
Scopus Preview | Author ID: 36653119100 Documents: 67, citation: 787 by 422 documents, h-index = 17 |
Publons | ID: I-5388-2019 Verified reviews 359; H-Index: 19, Verified editor records 3.