10.01.2022: Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

Prof. Dr. Philip Pogge von Strandmann, Institute for Geosciences, Johannes-Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany: "Keeping the Earth habitable - the weathering thermostat"

When?     Monday, 10. January 2022 at 11 am
Where?    ZOOM meeting room:

Meeting-ID: 881 3977 3817
Kenncode: 182341

The Earth has been inhabited by life for up to 85% of its existence. For that life to survive, something must have prevented the climate from becoming too extreme or even going runaway in either direction. For several decades, the community has generally assumed that the weathering thermostat is the mechanism that stabilises the climate. However, there is very scant evidence from the geological record that the thermostat really exists, or indeed the rates and timescales over which it might operate. This talk presents new data from several climate change events.


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