91探花 Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 600-0
Fax: 0431 600-2805
E-mail: info(at)geomar.de
Each presentation will be started with a teaching lesson (10+5 min) on 鈥淩ossby waves in the ocean鈥, followed by a 25+10 min scientific topic. The colloquium will take place online at
Monday, 24 January 2022
13:00-13:50 h
Alexander Haumann, Princeton University:
"Impacts of a changing cryosphere on the Southern Ocean and global climate"
15:10-16:00 h
Anna-Lena Deppenmeier, National Center for Atmospheric Science, Boulder:
"Towards better understanding and representation of air-sea interactions and ocean
vertical mixing"