9.11.2020: Online Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

Dr. Peter D眉ben, Earth System Modelling Section, Numerical Methods Group, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading (UK): "Machine learning for numerical weather predictions鈥


online 11 am

Webex meeting room:
Meeting number (access code): 174 730 4252
Meeting password: ZEc9K4SxNT7

The capability of machine learning to learn complex, non-linear behaviour from data offers many application areas across the numerical weather prediction workflow, including observation processing, data assimilation, the forecast model and the emulation of model components, as well as post-processing. This talk provides an overview on the activities at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to explore the potential of machine learning, and in particular deep learning, to improve weather predictions in the coming years.


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