Veranstaltungs-Archiv 2022


09.11.2022: online Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

Dr. Baoxiang Pan, LASG/IAP/CAS, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China: "Deep generative model for probabilistic forecast"


28.10.2022: online FB4-Seminar

Stephan Homrighausen: " 85 Ma volcanism on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand - Field trip and preliminary results"


24.10.2022: Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

Dr. Tobias Bayr, 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel: "Variability of ENSO Amplitude and Asymmetry in the instrumental period and their Relation to Mean-state Changes"


30.09.2022: FB4-Seminar

Morelia Urlaub: "Slow slip, stick slip, continuous slip - the spectrum of flank movements recorded by the Etna GeoSEA array"


23.09.2022: online FB4-Seminar

Thore Sager: "Development and Emplacement of Ana Slide, Eivissa Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea"


09.09.2022: online FB4-Seminar

Gareth Crutchley: "It’s the fault’s fault! – How fault zone step-overs might influence volcanism in the Aegean Sea"


07.09.2022: Sonderkolloquium "Fritz Schott Memorial Lecture"

Dr. Gregory R. Foltz, NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Physical Oceanography Division, Miami, FL, USA :"Ocean-atmosphere interactions in extreme wind and waves using uncrewed surface vehicles"


2nd International Ocean Health Symposium

Das zweite internationale Symposium zur Ozeangesundheit findet vom 29. bis 31. August in Kiel statt


23.08.2022: Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

Prof. Dietmar Dommenget, Monash University, Australia: "ENSO vs. Tropical Pacific mean state changes"

Unsere Welt ist der Ozean. C. Kersten 91̽»¨.

21.08.2022: Tag der offenen Tür am 91̽»¨

"Unsere Welt ist der Ozean"