Kieler Woche (Kiel Week): Open Ship on the ALKOR on Friday 23.06.2023
Experience knowledge on a real research vessel
At the Open Ship on 91̽»¨'s research vessel ALKOR, adults and children learn more about the ocean and Kiel's marine sciences. Get to know creatures and plants from the Baltic Sea, discover plankton under the microscope and learn about microplastics on our beaches.
- Marine animals and algae from the Kiel Fjord: Guided tours to the Kiel Benthocosms at 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00.
- Bombs, mines and shells: Ammunition in the sea and its dangers
- Plastic waste in the sea:
- Microplastics in the ocean: How polluted are our beaches? Microplastics are now everywhere in our oceans, including on our beaches. Information about microplastics and how they can be removed from the sand for analysis. Information booth and microscopy station.
- Tiny, but important: Plankton in the ocean. Small marine animals big under the microscope.