Monitoring and modelling of extreme events in the Elbe estuary and the German Bight
Eastern Mediterranean Sea as a model for Future Ocean Research
Alternate scenarios, Innovative technologies, and Monitoring approaches for Sub-Seabed Storage of carbon dioxide
Ocean Glow
Controls on ocean productivity using ocean fluorescence detected from space
Drivers of nutrient limitation and carbon export in the South East Atlantic
Marine AMMunitiOn dump site exploration by surface- and underwater-based laser mass spectrometric TRACing technology
CONcepts for conventional MArine Munition Remediation in the German North and Baltic Sea
Element and Isotope Signatures in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Understanding the sources, transport, distribution and impacts of plastic pollution
Plastic-LEACHate impact on ecosystem functions and human health
Prof. Achterberg's working group has participated in a large number of GEOTRACES research cruises to date (current example: SO308)
Biogeochemie der wichtigsten Elemente im Atlantik und im Pazifischen Ozean
Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems
Role of Eddies in the Carbon Pump of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
Towards Marine Carbon Observations 2.0: Socializing, COnnecting, Perfecting and Expanding
Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement
Our Common Future Ocean in the Earth System
West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use
Building an innovation platform for more ocean observation and technologies where new hardware and software will be used to collect oceanographic and climate-related data.
A citizen science project initiated to help marine researchers measure important information in the Kiel and thereby better understand the distribution of oxygen, temperature and salinity.
The project investigates deep water inflow spreading rates and mixing in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, involving the release of an inert tracer (SF5CF3) in October 2021 and subsequent campaigns in 2022 to measure and examine tracer concentrations, alongside studying ventilation using anthropogenic tracers CFC-12 and SF6.
investigating the influence of gas and liquid ship emissions on trace gas cycling in the surface ocean
Regional focus on the Indian Ocean
investigating this region as a potential emissions hotspot for many atmospherically important trace gases, such as DMS, and determining the influence of anthropogenic deposition on surface ocean cycling of trace gases
A novel approach to quantify global ocean emissions of carbonyl sulfide
Bubble exchange in the Labrador Sea
Biogeochemcial processes and air-sea exchange in the sea-surface microlayer
Innovative community engagement for building effective resilience and Arctic Ocean pollution-control governance in the context of climate change
CO2 eddy covariance buoy development
Biogeochemische/Atmosphären Prozesse im Golf von Bengalen: Ein Beitrag zur ‚2nd International Indian Ocean Expedition‘, BIOCAT-IIOE2, Colombo/Sri Lanka- Singapur,10.04.-22.05.2024
CONNECT (BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Pan Atlantic connectivity of marine biogeochemical and ecological processes and the impact of anthropogenic pressures
RV Poseidon 533/1: AIMAC
Eckernförde Bay, SW Baltic Sea
The MarinE MethanE and NiTrous Oxide database
Nitrous oxide in the Southern Ocean, Sino-German project funded by SOA and BMBF
Integrated carbon and trace gas monitoring in the Baltic Sea, funded by EU and BMBF
Pathways and emissions of cliamte-relevant trace gases in achanging Arctic Ocean, UK-German project funded by NERC and BMBF
Nitric oxide
NO in the Ocean, funded by DAAD
Carbon monoxide
CO in the coastal ocean, funded by CSC
Measurements of isotopic signatures and short-lived tracers of nitrogen cycle processes in the Baltic Sea
funded by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation