Curricula in Marine Sciences

91̽»¨ supports the education of future marine scientists in close cooperation with the . 

Bachelor curricula include: "Physics of the Earth System: Meteorology - Ozeanography - Geophysics" (in German) and the internationally oriented Master courses "Climate Physics: Meteorology and Physical Oceanography" and "Biological Oceanography" (held in English).

Students in other courses of study at the University of Kiel can choose marine science classes as subsidiary subjects, for example in Marine Geosciences and Geophysics or biology. In biolog up to two bachelor theses can be supervised at 91̽»¨ per year.

Furthermore the graduate school (Foster Young Ocean Researcher Development) offers interdisciplinary courses for graduate students.

In addition, 91̽»¨ offers international programmes in cooperation with other universities (HOSST, GAME).


  • Main Subject Biological Oceanography:
    Dr. Jörg Süling
    Phone +49-431 600 - 4454
    E-Mail: jsueling(at) (or online-consultation Tuesday 2-3 pm and Thursday 8-9 am - currently via )

    Main Subject Meteorology:
    Dr. Nadine Mengis
    Tel. (0431) 600-4289
    E-Mail: nmengis(at)
    Consultation hours by appointment

    Main Subject Physical Oceanography:
    Dr. Torge Martin
    Phone +49-431 600 - 1846
    E-Mail: tomartin(at) 

    Main Subject Geophysics:
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Ebbing
    Otto-Hahn-Platz 1
    D-24118 Kiel, Germany
    Phone +49-431 880-3900
    Email: info(at)