Prof. Dr. Jan Behrmann

Dynamics of the Ocean Floor | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Phone: +49-431 600 2272
Fax: +49-431 600 2922
E-Mail: jbehrmann (a)

91̽»¨ | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
East shore campus
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel


Education and carreer

  • Since 2006  Full Professor in Marine Geodynamics, IFM-91̽»¨ and University of Kiel, Germany
  • 1995-2006   Full Professor in Geology, Freiburg University, Germany
  • 1990           Habilitation and venia legendi in Geology, Gießen University, Germany
  • 1986-1995   Lecturer, Gießen University, Germany
  • 1984-1986   Postdoctoral Researcher, Tübingen University, Germany
  • 1983           Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.), University of Oxford, England
  • 1982-1984   Project Geologist, BP Minerals International plc, London, England
  • 1979-1982   Florey European Studentship, The Queen's College, Oxford, England
  • 1979           Geologist, Esso Erz GmbH, Nürnberg, Germany
  • 1978           Diploma in Geology, University of Erlangen, Germany

Research Experience

  • 2007-2008  Structural study of Nankai accretionary prism and seismogenic zone (IODP Exp. 315)
  • 2005-2008  Overpressure and fluid flow, Gulf of Mexico, co-chief scientist, IODP Expedition 308
  • 2004-2008  Petrography, fabrics and geotechnics of trench sediments, Chile
  • 2000-2008  Neutron textures, petrophysics and acoustic properties of hard rocks
  • 2000-2008  Neotectonics, volcanology and climate evolution, Patagonian fjordland, Chile 
  • 1998-2006  Structure, evolution, active tectonics and geohazards, Upper Rhine Graben Continental rift zone
  • 1996-2002  Studies in deformation of rock analogues and application to tectonic problems
  • 1990-1992  Tectonics of spreading ridge subduction, Chile, co-chief scientist, ODP Leg 141
  • 1988-2003  Shore-based research, structural geology, ODP Legs 131, 141, 146, 160, 180, 186
  • 1988-2006  Computer-aided 3D retrodeformation (Variscan, Alps, Carpathians, Chile, North Sea)
  • 1986-1989  Structural study of Barbados accretionary prism, ODP Leg 110 plus post-cruise work
  • 1984-1990  Investigation of continental collision, Alps
  • 1982-1984  Finding hydrothermal gold in Scotland, France and U.S.A.
  • 1979-1982  Research on fabrics, strain and rheology of mylonites, Betic Cordillera, Spain

Current projects

  • 2008-2010  Rock textures determined by neutron diffraction and relation to petrophysical rock properties. Development and operation of neutron texture diffractometer at the IBR-2 Reactor, Dubna, Russia. Financed by BMBF (Germany)
  • 2006-2009  FastSed, Fabric genesis, strength and physical properties of young Sediments, Ursa and Brazos-Trinity basins, Gulf of Mexico. A follow-up laboratory study of IODP Expedition 308. Funding in the framework of SSP "Integrated Ocean Drilling Program IODP/ODP" by DFG (Germany)
  • 2006-2008  DFG-SFB 574, Subduction Factory, TP A1: Tectonics, fluid flow and slope stability revealed with multiscale mapping methods. Funded by DFG (Germany)
  • 2004-2008  PetroTec, petrography, provenance and geotechnical properties of Chile Trench sediments. Integrated in TIPTEQ-Verbundprojekt. Financed by BMBF-Geotechnologien (Germany)


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