91̽»¨ director Prof. Dr. Peter Herzig and the president of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), Vladimir Golitsyn signing the Memorandum of Understanding. Photo: ITLOS.

Who owns the Oceans?

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and 91̽»¨ foster cooperation

Oil production platform in the North Sea. Photo: L. Vielstädte, 91̽»¨.

Oil and gas wells as a strong source of greenhouse gases

New study proves methane leaks around North Sea boreholes

[Translate to English:] Ausbruch des Eyjafjallajökull auf Island im Jahr 2010. Der Vulkanismus in Island ist ein kleines Überbleibsel der Prozesse, die vor 56 Millionen Jahren Grönland von Nordwesteuropa trennten. Foto: Boaworm via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0

Global warming driven by volcanic CO2 56 million years ago?

Conclusive evidence for the cause of the Palaeocene / Eocene Thermal Maximum

Viator at the sea floor. Photo: Uli Kunz, Submaris

First Deep Sea Deployment for the Sea Floor Crawler VIATOR

Helmholtz - Alliance ROBEX tests innovative technologies on the Polarstern expedition

Stockfish on the Lofoten islands. Dried cod from Northern Norway is still supplied to Southern Europe and Africa. It was a hanseatic trade good which guaranteed high profits during the Middle Ages. However, the new study shows that the trade with cod from the Lofoten islands goes at least back to the Viking Age. Photo: Petr Å merkl, Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

Cod from the Lofoten Islands Ended up on Plates in Haithabu

International scientists prove early long-distance food trade


Determining the course together

Dr. Klas Lackschewitz took the chair of the ERVO Group

The Cape Verdean research vessel ISLANDIA has been used to take samples from the low-oxygen eddy. Photo: B. Fiedler, 91̽»¨

Extreme low-oxygen Eddies in the Atlantic produce Greenhouse Gases

International research team discovers previously unknown processes in the Atlantic

FSBI president Iain Barber congratulates Dr Rainer Froese. Photo: Dr Sulayman Mourabit

Le Cren medal for FishBase

Fisheries Society of the British Isles honors the world's largest database for marine organisms

Prof. Dr. Susan Lozier. Photo: Sarah Kaehlert, 91̽»¨.

Global Ocean Circulation in the 21st Century

US Oceanographer Prof. Dr. Susan Lozier holds 19th Marie-Tharp Lecture for Ocean Research at 91̽»¨

Model of an island volcano. During the last transition to glacial conditions the decreasing pressure at the seafloor could have induced increased lava- and carbon dioxide emissions. Graphic: Jörg Hasenclever

Falling Sea Level caused Volcanos to Overflow

A Team of international researches found new connections between the solid earth and the climate system