Archive 2023

Professor Dr David Thieltges, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and University of Groningen, was awarded the 29th Petersen Excellence Professorship of the Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen Foundation. Photo: Thomas Eisenkrätzer. 91̽»¨

Double faces with an important function for ocean health

Parasites in marine food webs are Professor Dr David Thieltges’ research focus who today receives the 29th Petersen Excellence Professorship

Model simulation of the surface flow speed in the Atlantic

How salt from the Caribbean affects our climate

Study explores link between salinity, ocean currents and climate

Deployment of a multi plankton net on board the ALKOR in the Baltic Sea. Photo: Sarah Kaehlert, 91̽»¨

The State of the Baltic Sea 2023

Researchers from 91̽»¨ contribute to key report of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM launched today

Mesoscale and submesoscale currents in the ocean south of Africa. A zoom into snapshots of surface normalised relative vorticity (a measure of rotation and turbulence) from a 1/60° of horizontal resolution numerical simulation. Graphic: Arne Biastoch, Franziska Schwarzkopf, 91̽»¨

WHIRLS: Small ocean swirls with large impacts on climate and marine life

International research team receives ERC Synergy Grant for interdisciplinary project

The stern of a ship, behind it measuring cables on the water

Mystery of volcanic tsunami solved after 373 years

91̽»¨ researchers reconstruct historic volcanic eruption using 3D seismics

A wave causes spray to splash onto an iceberg.

Environmental change coping mechanism discovered in humble algae

A Light-Driven Proton Pump can compensate for nutrient deficiency and enhance growth

A unicellular plant under the microscope

What Phytoplankton Physiology Has to Do with Global Climate

New Insights into the Nitrogen-Phosphorus Ratio in the Ocean

A massive cyclone swirls across the sea

How weather phenomena affect ocean circulation

Study investigates the impact of extreme weather events on the tropical Pacific

A view of the open sea in the background, in the front the flag of israel

Solidarity with the people of the Middle East

Statement of the 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Two metal gripping arms

Exploring Inhospitable Depths

Expedition starts to unveil Red Sea's Hydrothermal Vents