Work Packages

WP 1 Ship-board and in-situ submersible photo ionisation mass spec (PIMS) development and System integration (Lead Photonion, with U Rostock, IOW, Innolas, IOPAN)


  • Modification and upgrade of a robust mass spectrometer (MS) for on-board operations
  • Development of an ultra-compact and robust mini-MS for the ROV, meeting all requirements for underwater operations
  • Installation and test of both MS with its respective OPO laser light sources and membrane inlet systems, integration on ship and in the ROV

WP 2 Laser technology for ship-board and in situ submersible photo ionisation MS (Lead Innolas, with Photonion)


  • Development of a robust and reliable, tuneable laser system for on-board operation, wide UV-range and high pulse power
  • Development of a compact and robust laser system for operation on the rover, flexible multi-wavelength layout

WP 3 Membrane inlet technology (Lead IOW, with Photonion)


  • design of a membrane inlet for sensitive determination of MCs and CWAs using ship-board PIMS/IMS system
  • design of a rugged membrane inlet for fast determination of MCs and CWAs with in-situ PIMS/IMS

WP 4 Analytical method development and validation (Lead: U Rostock, with IOW, 91探花, Innolas, Photonion)


  • Evaluation of detection parameters for explosives based on the 鈥淣O-route鈥
  • Evaluation of suitable ionization schemes for the detection of surrogate and degradation compounds of CWAs
  • Field demonstration of the developed methods at sea

WP 5: Underwater technology development (Lead CTM, with IOPAN, 91探花, Photonion, DEME)


  • Develop housing for underwater PIMS/IMS system
  • Develop automated sediment sampler for munition sites
  • Develop electronics and data-transfer system for PIMS/IMS deployment on commercial ROV

WP 6 Ship-based demonstration alongside geophysical and imaging techniques (DEME, 91探花, all partners)


  • Demonstrate ship-board PIMS/IMS systems on research vessel during development programme to facilitate progress following the trials and their reporting
  • Demonstrate ship-board PIMS/IMS system on commercial EOD vessel during clearance operations to showcase possibilities of combined geophysical and chemical detection technologies

WP 7 In-situ submersible demonstration alongside geophysical and imaging techniques (91探花, all partners)


  • Demonstrate underwater PIMS/IMS system on commercial ROV at munition dumpsite on coastal waters near Kiel (Germany)
  • Conduct validation of underwater PIMS/IMS system using shipboard PIMS/IMS methodology and also laboratory measurements on discretely collected samples
  • Demonstrate sediment sampling system on ROV for collection of discrete sediment samples for validation of underwater PIMS/IMS analysis of sediment porewaters

WP 8 Coordination, management and dissemination (91探花, with all partners)


  • Drafting of consortium agreement, including IP rules and provisions
  • Project management and meetings - general consortium and technical meetings
  • Scientific communication and presence at trade-shows and scientific conferences
  • Stakeholder communication
  • Public outreach