Ocean Health

Fact check of the series "The Swarm" - Interviews with Professor Ute Hentschel Humeida

  • „All das gibt es wirklich“ – Können Würmer eine Tsunami auslösen und Einzeller miteinander kommunzieren?
  • Kieler Forscherin über Roman „Der Schwarm“: Einiges ist besorgniserregend realistisch.
  • SWR2 Impuls: Bei "Der Schwarm" wird zum Beispiel ein gefährliches Bakterium über Hummer oder Fische auf uns Menschen übertragen. Kann so etwas sein?
  • "Der Schwarm": Mensch und Meer im Clinch ums Ãœberleben.
  • "Der Schwarm" NDR1 und Serie „WIR AM MEER“ – Von Binnenland und Waterkant, NDR 1-Radiobeitrag 8.3.2023

Marine infections

Ruth Schmitz-Streit, Ute Hentschel: Microplastics promote marine infections - Diseases in the sea,

How much does the marine biologist dive?

Exploring the ocean on ships sounds like adventure and freedom. But how romantic are the working conditions really? Lara Schmittmann, 31, recently completed her doctorate at the Geomar Institute in Kiel and reports on her everyday research life in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (5.8.2022 / Dream jobs)

How does our research contribute to a cleaner ocean?

A digital visit to the research vessel SONNE live at the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt on November 18, 2021.

Climate Change and Global Warming - Causes and Consequences

Arabic Forum for Exchange and Dialogue, Berlin, August 24th, 2021

Dr. Hassan Humeida gave a 90 min seminar about the causes and consequences of climate changes and about the basics of climate politics. The seminar was targetted to the international community in Berlin and was held in arabic language. The seminar was a great success as indicated by the active and comprehensive discussion, which included also possible solutions out of the climate crisis.

Medicine: Sponges, snails and co. harbor highly potent active ingredients

3.3.2021 Hentschel Humeida, Ute in:

Biological Diversity in Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems

Microorganisms in the sea are a huge treasure trove. Their significance for the functioning of ecosystems is often still unknown. The potential for industrial applications, for example in medicine or food production, can currently only be estimated to a limited extent. This makes it all the more important to preserve and intensify research into the diversity of microorganisms in the ocean.