CONcepts for conventional MArine Munition Remediation in the German North and Baltic Sea (CONMAR)

CONcepts for conventional MArine Munition Remediation in the German North and Baltic Sea (CONMAR)
General information
The aim of CONMAR is to integrate existing and new data-sets on historic marine munitions, combine expertise and knowledge of German marine science organizations, governmental bodies and private sector, advance our scientific understanding of the role, fate and impacts of marine munition in the environment, and provide policy solutions for monitoring and remediation actions in consultation with stakeholders. CONMAR will provide detailed information on the distribution and condition of munitions in German waters and deliver mechanistic and quantitative understanding on the release, spread, attenuation and transfer in the food chain of munition compounds, including assessments of their ecological and toxicological impacts. CONMAR will use the results to make assessments of remediation approaches, based on ecological and socio-economic considerations. CONMAR will set out a transdisciplinary engagement process between stakeholders and researchers. Stakeholders from industry, government organizations, NGOs, ecological and political organizations will be involved in CONMAR from the start to co-design a range of project activities, discuss research results during the co-development phase, co-evaluate the CONMAR outcomes during the final phase, and co-produce follow-up post-project actions, processes and initiatives.
December, 2021
November, 2024
Funding (total)
Funding (91̽»¨)
Funding body / Programme
    BMBF /
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (91̽»¨), Germany
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Germany
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), Germany
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Germany
Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, Germany
Rostock University, Germany
German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Global Climate Forum, Germany
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW), Germany, Germany