MaFNaP_2017 Awards and Grants

Several travel grants as well as best poster and best short talk prizes will be awarded to young scientists.


Conference travel grant application


Travel awards are restricted to young investigators pursuing a PhD project in a research field within the scope of the conference

Applicants must be enrolled as PhD students at a university during  the term in which the conference takes place.

Applicants must be presenting a short talk or a poster at MaFNaP_2017. In case of a dual authorship of an abstract submitted for prsentation, only the presenting author may receive the award.

Application procedure and format

Please submit your application as one single PDF document via email to Martina Blümel, email: mbluemel(at)

Please ensure, that your application includes the following information:

  • full name and complete affiliation incl. contact details of the applicant
  • confirmation of registration for MaFNaP_2017 conference
  • the final abstract of the talk or poster to be presented
  • brief statement on the relevance of the conference to your research
  • letter of support from your PhD supervisor
  • certificate (scanned copy) of enrollment as PhD student

Deadline for submission of applications for travel grants: EXTENDED May 1, 2017


Awards for best poster and best short lecture

Best poster and best short lecture will be awarded by book vouchers, kindly sponsored by .


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