Ongoing analytical work comprises a wide range of geoscientific and biological topics. Current examples are:

- major and volatile element (S,Cl, F) compositions of submarine and subaerial volcanic glasses and glass inclusions in magmatic minerals

- transition metal analysis in sulfide minerals from active submarine hyrothermal fields

- major and trace element distribution patterns in biogenic carbonates, including corals, coralline algae and statoliths and otoliths („earstones“) from fish and squid.


The 91̽»¨ electron microprobe facility is part of an interdisciplinary initiative to provide high-quality in-house microanalytical infrastructure for the geo- and bioscientific community. The EMP is equipped with six high-intensity analyser crystals, enabling quantitative trace element analyses of both light and heavier elements. Presently our special focus is on volatile analyses (S, Cl, F) in volcanic glasses and glass inclusions and on trace elements in biogenic carbonates. High-quality major and trace element distribution maps are acquired routinely.




Hardware Summary