Multi-level Assessment of Ocean-Climate Dynamics: A gateway to interdisciplinary training and analysis

Multi-level Assessment of Ocean-Climate Dynamics: A gateway to interdisciplinary training and analysis
GATEWAYS will conduct interdisciplinary climate change research on an ocean regime of regional and global significance: the Agulhas Current off southern Africa. It will provide 15 Early-Stage (ESR) and 3 Experienced Researchers (ER) with extensive multi-level scientific and complementary skills training in (1) processes relevant to climatic developments and projections, (2) efficient organization and management of interdisciplinary research, and (3) proficient transfer of information between the academic and private sectors. GATEWAYS will test the sensitivity of the Agulhas Current to changing climates of the past; the Current's influence on southern Africa climates; buoyancy transfer to the Atlantic by Agulhas leakage around southern Africa; and modulation of the Atlantic circulation by the leakage. Training encompasses novel laboratory-based methodologies; high-end equipment such as isotope-ratio and multi-sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers; high-resolution climate modelling, accessing supercomputing facilities at national high-performance computing centres. Combined with the diverse scientific expertise converging on a common scientific theme, this provides the ESR and ER outstanding research training opportunities. Schools/workshops will deepen the insight gained and stimulate Network-wide discussion. Courses on project management, data processing and communication techniques will foster generic complementary skills. Secondments, longer stays at partner institutes and internships at SME partners add to the training. ESR and ER will acquire a solid knowledge in their own specialty field; a firm multi-level grounding in the marine and climate sciences; proficiency in analytical procedures and high-end numerical data processing and modelling; managerial skills to design and carry out research in an efficient and pragmatic way.
Dezember 2009
November 2013
Bewilligungssumme (gesamt)
Bewilligungssumme (91̽»¨)
Zuwendungsgeber / Programm
    EU / FP7 People 2008; Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain