Veranstaltungsarchiv 2023

21.12.2023: 12:30 h,
14-101 // Conference Room TLZ,
ME Lunch Seminar
Martje Hänsch: "Precipitation in the (Peruvian) Andes region and influences by ENSO"
14.12.2023: 12:30 h,
8A-002 // Lecture Hall, Building 8
ME Lunch Seminar
Julian Krüger: "On The Role of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures for European Heat Events"
28.11.2023: 11:00 h,
14-101 // Conference Room TLZ,
Vidya Varma
23.11.2023: 12:30 h,
14-101 // Conference Room TLZ,
ME Lunch Seminar
Sedat Götzlet: "The Jet Wiggliness Puzzle: A Contribution to Meandering Index Approaches"
9.11.2023: 12:30 h,
14-101 // Conference Room TLZ,
ME Lunch Seminar
Abhishek Savita: "Impact of Pacific and Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature on European Climate"
2.11.2023: 12:30 h,
14-101 // Conference Room TLZ,
ME Lunch Seminar
Joakim Kjellsson: "How to give a scientific presentation"
26.10.2023: 12:30 h,
14-101 // Conference Room TLZ,
ME Lunch Seminar
Lina Lucas
24.10.2023: 11:00 h, 14-101 // Conference Room TLZ ,
19.09.2023: 11:00 h, Gr. Konf. Raum,
22.08.2023: 11:00 h, Gr. Konf. Raum,
Lisa Weber
03.08.2023: 11:00 h,
Gr. Konf. Raum,
ME Talk
Nils Herry
25.07.2023: 11:00 h, Gr. Konf. Raum,
24.07.2023: 10:00 h,
Kl. Konf. Raum,
ME Talk
Thies Johnsen: "Impact of Ocean Model Resolution on the Representation of North Atlantic and European Blocking in FOCI-OpenIFS".
Lasse Kummer: "Representation of double-gyre circulations in ocean models of varying horizontal resolutions".
06.07.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Eline Brunet: "Oceanic and atmospheric responses to abrupt quadruple CO2 forcing at the Weddell Gyre"
03.07.2023: 14:00-16:00 h,
Gr. Konf. Raum,
"Atmospheric Physics Retreat"
The Atmospheric Physics Retreat will contain talks and discussions around the following topics:
1. Dust Activity in the Atacama Desert
2. Global climatology of low-level jets
3. Extremes in photovoltaic and wind power production in Europe analysed by synoptic weather patterns
29.06.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Daniel Waitzmann: "Wind and thermohaline forcing of the large-scale circulation in the Indian Ocean"
Ludwig Meder: "Investigation of Turbine Technologies on Wind Energy Yields in Future Wind Climates"
22.06.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Dr. Leonard Borchert, Universität Hamburg, Climate Extremes, Research Associate: "Harnessing ocean information for improved near-term prediction of European summer climate"
20.06.2023: 11:00 h,
Gr. Konf. Raum,
Feifei Mu
- Friday -
12:30 h,
Kl Praktikumsraum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Katharina Schmitt: "Convective and Gravity Wave Momentum Transport during EUREC4A"
13.- 15.06.2023: 9:00 - 17:00 h, ±áö°ù²õ²¹²¹±ô, Ostufer CACTI Workshop 2023
08.06.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Sebastian Bubmann: "Is statistical downscaling of seasonal forecasts worth the effort?"
06.06.2023: 11:00 h,
Seminar Raum,
Wenjuan Huo
05.06.2023: 11:00 h,
online OCCD Colloquium
Dr. Annika Reintges, University of Reading, Meteorology Department: "Subpolar North Atlantic mean state influences the response of the AMOC to the NAO"
01.06.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Dr. Holly Ayres: "Antarctic sea ice and the Weddell Sea Polynya"
25.05.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Tobias Bayr: "Between worry and hope - On which path is international climate protection?"
22.05.2023: 11:00 h,
online OCCD Colloquium
Dr. Jérôme Vialard, Laboratoire d'Océanographie, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France: "Atmospheric nonlinearities and ENSO & CLIVAR working group on ENSO conceptual models"
15.05.2023: 11:00 h,
online OCCD Colloquium
Chiem van Straaten, Faculty of Science, Water and Climate Risk, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: "Machine Learning to improve and understand sub-seasonal forecasts of European temperature"
11.05.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Lukas Schreiber: Master Thesis
09.05.2023: 11:00 h,
Seminar Raum,
Olaf Duteil
04.05.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Janika Rhein: Bachelor Thesis
02.05.2023: 13:30 h,
OCCD Colloquium
Francisco de Melo Viríssimo, Grantham Research Institute at London School of Economics and Political Science: "Predicting climate under climate change: new insights using low-dimensional dynamical systems"
27.04.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Tabea Rahm: Master Thesis
24.04.2023: 11:00 h,
Konferenzraum 8A/1.101, East Shore
OCCD Colloquium
Dr. Nicolaas Glock, Universität Hamburg, Heisenberg fellow: "Adaptations of foraminifera to extreme habitats and related implications for paleo reconstructions of oxygen, nutrients and hydrothermal activity"
20.04.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Sedat Gözlet & Joakim Kjellsson
18.04.2023: 11:00 h,
Gr. Konf. Raum,
Abhishek Savita
13.04.2023: 12:30 h,
Seminar Raum,
ME Lunch Seminar
Mario Lindl: Bachelor Thesis
11.04.2023: 11:00 h,
Gr. Konf. Raum,
Nora Krumweide
05.04.2023: 11:00 h,
Marie-Tharp Lecture Series for Ocean Research
Prof. Dr. Gabi Hegerl, Climate System Sciences, School of Geosciences, The University of Edinburgh, UK: "Climate change over the instrumental period – causes, questions, extremes, and the safe landing lighthouse"
04.04.2023: 16:00 h,
Stephanie Fiedler: "Aerosole im Klimasystem"
14.03.2023 11:00 h,
Gr. Konf. Raum,
Joakim Kjellsson
08.03.2023 11:00 h,
Gr. Konf. Raum,
Franz Kanngießer
28.02.2023 11:00 h,
Tobias Bayr