
PD Dr. rer. nat. J枚rg Geldmacher

Forschungsbereich 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens | Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel

FE Magmatische und hydrothermale Systeme

Raum: 8/D-202
Telefon: +49 431 600-2260
Fax: +49 431 600-2924
E-Mail: jgeldmacher(at)

91探花 | Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel

Ausbildung und Werdegang

  • seit 2014 Privatdozent, Christian-Albrechts-Universit盲t zu Kiel
  • 2011-2018 Koordinator Programm-orientierte F枚rderung (POF III) "OCEANS", 91探花
  • seit 2011 Senior Scientist, 91探花 Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel
  • 2008-2011 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Geology, Texas A&M University, USA
  • 2007-2011 Staff Scientist/Expedition Manager, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, USA
  • 2007 Habilitation, Christian-Albrechts-Universit盲t zu Kiel
  • 2002-2006 Postdoc, Leibniz Institut f眉r Meeresforschung, IFM-91探花
  • 2000-2002 Postdoctoral fellow/Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State University, USA
  • 2000 Dr. rer. nat., Christian-Albrechts-Universit盲t zu Kiel
  • 1996-1999 Doktorand, Geomar Forschungszentrum Kiel
  • 1996 Diplom in Geologie und Pal盲ontologie, Christian-Albrechts-Universit盲t zu Kiel

Wissenschaftliche Interessen

  • Magmatische Geochemie und Geochronologie (einschlie脽lich radiogener Isotopensysteme)

  • Geochemie ozeanischer Vulkangesteine und die Zusammensetzung und Dynamik des Erdmantels

  • Entstehung des Intraplattenvulkanismus (einschlie脽lich Large Igneous Provinces) und plattentektonische Rekonstruktionen

  • Hydrothermale und Niedrig-Temperatur Alteration ozeanischer Kruste


  • 2024: RV SONNE "SO307: MADAGASCAR" (Fahrtleiter)
  • 2023: RV METEOR "M191 SUAVE" (Fahrtleiter)
  • 2022: DRV JOIDES Resolution "Exp. 392: Agulhas Plateau"
  • 2021: RV METEOR "M176: Biscay" (Fahrtleiter)
  • 2020: RV METEOR "M168: Kings Trough"
  • 2018: RV Sonne "SO265: Shatsky Evolution" (Fahrtleiter)
  • 2017: RV Poseidon "POS 511: Santorini Evolution" (Fahrtleiter)
  • 2014: RV Sonne "SO 234/1: SPACES"
  • 2014: RV Sonne "SO 233: Walvis II"
  • 2011: DRV JOIDES Resolution 鈥淓xp. 330: Louisville Hotspot鈥
  • 2009: DRV JOIDES Resolution 鈥淓xp. 324: Shatsky Rise鈥                                 
  • 2009: DRV JOIDES Resolution 鈥淓xp. 320T鈥                                                     
  • 2005: DRV JOIDES Resolution 鈥淓xp. 309: Superfast鈥                                 
  • 2003: RV Sonne 鈥淪O 169: Zealandia鈥                                         
  • 2001: RV Meteor 鈥50/1-VULKOSA: East Atlantic Volcanism/Alboran Sea鈥 
  • 1998: RV Akademik Lavrentyev 鈥淜OMEX II: Okhotsk Sea鈥
  • 1997: RV Poseidon 鈥淧OS 235: East Atlantic Volcanism/ Alboran Sea鈥          
  • 1997: RV Poseidon 鈥淧OS 232: Azores Volcanism鈥
  • 1993: RV Sonne 鈥淪O 84: St. Helena Hotspot"

Publikationen (peer-reviewed)

  • Liu H., Xue Y-Y., Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Wiechert U., An S., Gu H.-O., Sun H., Tian F., Li X., Wang K., Zhu H., Sun W.-D. (2024) Potassium isotope evidence for subducted upper and lower oceanic crust in ocean island basalt sources. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 646, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.119015

  • Micallef A., Geldmacher J., Watt S.F.L., Ferrante G.M., Ford J., Lodolo E., Civile D., Hodgetts A.G.E., Felgendreher M., Grech Licari J., Hauff F., Hauff S., Lang J., Meredew K., Portnyagin M., Timm C., Berndt C., Cavallaro D., Muccini F., Hoernle K. (2024) Submarine volcanism in the Sicilian Channel revisited. Marine Geology 474, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107342

  • Homrighausen S., Hoernle K., Hauff F., Hoyer P., Haase K., Geissler W., Geldmacher J. (2023) Evidence for compositionally distinct upper mantle plumelets since the early history of the Tristan-Gough hotspot" Nature Communications 14, 3908, doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-39585-0
  • Liao R., Zhu H., Geldmacher J., Li C. Liu H., Sun W. (2023) The role of recycled oceanic crust in the alkaline basalts: Evidence from Zn isotopic composition of alkaline basalts from the Madeira hotspot (eastern North Atlantic). Chemical Geology 635, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121606
  • Geldmacher J., Hauff F., D眉rkef盲lden A., Sano T., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Portnyagin M., Hoernle K. (2023) The effects of submarine alteration and phosphatization on igneous rocks: Implications for Sr-, Nd-, Pb-isotope studies. Chemical Geology 631, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeol.2023.121509.
  • Zhou H., Hoernle K., Geldmacher J., Hauff F., Homrighausen, S., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Jung S., Bindeman I. (2022) A HIMU volcanic belt along the SW African coast (~83-49 Ma): New geochemical clues to deep mantle dynamics from carbonatite and silica-undersaturaed complexes in Namibia. Lithos 430-431, doi: .
  • Pank K., Hansteen T.-H., Geldmacher J., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Jicha B., Hauff F., Nomikou P., Hoernle K. (2022) Mineralogy and geochemistry of lavas from the submarine lower caldera walls of Santorini Volcano (Greece). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 427, doi: .
  • Zhou H., Hoernle K., Geldmacher J., Hauff F., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Jung S., Bindeman I. Enriched mantle one (EMI) type carbonatitic volcanism in Namibia (2022) Evidence for a concentrically-zoned Etendeka plume head. Gondwana Research 109, 239-252, doi: .
  • D眉rkef盲lden A., Geldmacher J., Portnyagin M., Garbe鈥怱ch枚nberg D., Werner R., M眉ller D., Hauff F., Hoernle K. (2021) Papanin Ridge and Ojin Rise Seamounts (Northwest Pacific): Dual Hotspot Tracks Formed by the Shatsky Plume. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22 (9), .
  • Homrighausen S., Hoernle K., Zhou H., Geldmacher J., Wartho J.-A., Hauff F., Werner R., Jung S., Morgan J.P. (2020) Paired hotspot tracks in the South Atlantic 鈥 Starting plumes heads trigger compositionally distinct secondary plumes? Science Advances 6, .
  • Long X., Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Hauff  F., Wartho J.-A., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D. (2020) Origin of isolated seamounts in the Canary Basin (East Atlantic): The role of plume material in the origin of seamounts not associated with hotspot tracks. Terra Nova 32, 390-398, .
  • Long X., van der Zwan F., Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Hauff  F., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Augustin N. (2020) Insights into the petrogenesis of an intraplate volcanic province: Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope geochemistry of the Bathymetrists Seamount Province, eastern equatorial Atlantic (2020) Chemical Geology 544, doi:
  • Zhou H., Hoernle K., Geldmacher J., Hauff F., Homrighausen S., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Jung S. Geochemistry of Etendaka magmatism: Spatial heterogeneity in the Tristan-Gough plume head (2020) Earth and Planetary Science Letters 535, doi:
  • Long X, Geldmacher J, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Wartho J, Garbe-Sch枚nberg D, Grevemeyer I (2019) Age and origin of Researcher Ridge and an explanation for the 14掳N anomaly on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by plume-ridge interaction. Lithos, 326-327, 540-555 DOI 
  • Long X, Geldmacher J, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Wartho J, Garbe-Sch枚nberg D, Grevemeyer I (2019) Age and origin of Researcher Ridge and an explanation for the 14掳N anomaly on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by plume-ridge interaction. Lithos, 326-327, 540-555 DOI 
  • Homrighausen S., Hoernle K., Hauff F., Geldmacher J., Wartho J. A., Bogaard P.v.d., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D. (2018) Global distribution of the HIMU end member: Formation through Archean plume-lid tectonics. Earth-Science Reviews, 182, 85-101, DOI 
  • Homrighausen S., Hoernle K., Geldmacher J., Wartho J.A., Hauff F., Portnyagin M., Werner R., Bogaard P.v.d., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D. (2018) Unexpected HIMU-type late-stage volcanism on the Walvis Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 492, 251-263, DOI 
  • Sager W., Sano T., Geldmacher J. (2016) Formation and evolution of Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau: Insights from IODP Expedition 324 and recent geophysical cruises. Earth Science Reviews 159, 306-336, DOI
  • Tejada M.L.G., Geldmacher J., Hauff F., Heaton D., Koppers A., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Hoernle K., Heydolph K., Sager W.W. (2016) Geochemistry and Age of Shatsky, Hess, and Ojin Rise seamounts: Implications for a connection between the Shatsky and Hess Rises. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 185, 302-327
  • Li S., Geldmacher J., Hauff F., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Yu S., Zhao S., Rausch S. (2014) Composition and timing of carbonate vein precipitation within the igneous basement of the Early Cretaceous Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific. Marine Geology 357, 321-333
  • Geldmacher J., Bogaard P.v.d., Heydolph K., Hoernle K. (2014) The age of Earth's largest volcano: Tamu Massif on Shatsky Rise (northwest Pacific Ocean). International Journal of Earth Sciences 103(8), 2351-2357
  • H枚fig T.W., Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Hauff F.,  Duggen S., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D. (2014) From the lavas down to the gabbros: 1.25 km of geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic constraints on hydrothermal alteration of upper oceanic crust at ODP/IODP Site 1256, eastern equatorial Pacific. Lithos 210-211, 289-312
  • Heydolph K., Murphy D., Geldmacher J., Romanova I., Greene A., Hoernle K., Mahoney J. (2014) Plume versus plate origin for the Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau (NW Pacific): Insights from Nd, Pb and Hf isotopes. Lithos 200-201, 49-63
  • Lustrino M., Fedele L., Melluso L., Morra V., Ronga F., Geldmacher J., Duggen S., Agostini S., Franciosi L., Meisel T. (2013) Origin and evolution of Cenozoic magmatism of Sardinia (Italy) A combined isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb-O-Hf-Os) and petrological view. Lithos 180-181, 138-158
  • Gurenko A.A., Geldmacher J, Hoernle K., Sobolev A.V. (2013) A composite, isotopically-depleted peridotite and enriched pyroxenite source of Madeira magmas: Insights from olivine. Lithos 170-171, 224-238
  • Geldmacher J., H枚fig T., Hauff F., H枚rnle K., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D., Wilson D.S. (2013) Influence of the Gal谩pagos hotspot on the East Pacific Rise during Miocene superfast spreading. Geology 41 (2), 183-186, doi: 10.1130/G33533.1
  • Koppers A.A.P., Yamazaki T., Geldmacher J., Gee J.S., Pressling N., Hoshi H., and the IODP Expedition 330 Scientific Party (2012) Limited latitudinal mantle plume motion for the Louisville hotspot. Nature Geoscience 5, 911-917
  • Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Hanan B., Blichert-Toft J., Hauff F., Gill J.B., Schmincke H.-U. (2011) Hafnium isotopic variations in East Atlantic intraplate volcanism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162 (1), 21-36, doi: 10.10007/s00410-010-0580-5
  • Sager W.W., Sano T., Geldmacher J. (2011) How do oceanic plateaus form? Clues from drilling at Shatsky Rise. EOS 92 (5), 37-38
  • Hoernle K., Hauff F., Werner R., Bogaard P.v.d., Mortimer N., Geldmacher J., Davy B. (2010) Age and Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Hikurangi and Manihiki oceanic plateaus: A tale of two large Cretaceous volcanic events. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (24), 7196-7219
  • Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Bogaard P.v.d., Hauff F., Kl眉gel A (2008) Age and geochemistry of the Central American forearc basement (DSDP Leg 67 and 84): Insights into Mesozoic arc volcanism and seamount accretion on the fringe of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province. Journal of Petrology 49 (10), 1781-1815
  • Duggen S., Hoernle K., Kl眉gel A., Geldmacher J., Thirlwall M., Hauff F., Lowry D., Oates N. (2008) Geochemical zonation of the Miocene Alboran basin volcanism (westernmost Mediterranean): Geodynamic implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 156, 577-593
  • Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Kl眉gel A., Bogaard P.v.d., Bindeman I. (2008) Geochemistry of a new enriched mantle type locality in the northern hemisphere: Implications for the origin of the EM-I source. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 265, 167-182
  • Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Kl眉gel A., Bogaard P.v.d., Wombacher F., Berning B. (2006) Origin and geochemical evolution of the Madeira-Tore Rise (eastern North Atlantic). Journal of Geophysical Research 111, B09206, doi: 10.1029/2005JB003931
  • Wilson D.S., Teagle D.A.H., Alt J.C., Banerjee N.R., Umino S., Miyashita S., Acton G.A., Anma R., Barr S.R., Belghoul A., Carlut J., Christie D.M., Coggon R.M., Cooper K.M., Cordier C., Crispini L., Rodriguez Durand S., Einaudi F., Galli L., Gao Y., Geldmacher J., Gilbert L.A., Hayman N.W., Herrero-Bervera E., Hirano N., Holter S., Ingle S., Jiang S., Kalberkamp U., Kerneklian M., Morgan S., Neo N., Nichols H.J., Park S.-H., Reichow M.K., Sakuyama T., Sano, T., Sandwell R., Scheibner B., Smith-Duque C.E., Swift S.A., Tartarotti P., Tikku A.A., Tominaga M., Veloso E.A., Yamasaki T., Yamasaki S., Ziegler C. (2006) Drilling gabbro in intact ocean crust formed at the East Pacific Rise. Science 312, 1016-1020
  • Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Kl眉gel A., Bogaard P.v.d., Duggen S. (2006) A geochemical transect across a heterogeneous mantle upwelling: implications for the evolution of the Madeira hotspot in space and time. Lithos 90, 131-144
  • Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Bogaard P.v.d., Duggen S., Werner R. (2005) New 40Ar/39Ar age and geochemical data from seamounts in the Canary and Madeira volcanic province: Support for the mantle plume hypothesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 237, 85-101
  • Kl眉gel A., Walter T.R., Schwarz S., Geldmacher J. (2005) Gravitative spreading causes en-echelon diking along a rift zone of Madeira archipelago: An experimental approach and implications for magma transport. Bulletin of Volcanology 68, 37-46
  • Schwarz S., Kl眉gel A., Bogaard P.v.d., Geldmacher J. (2005) Internal structure of a volcanic rift system in the eastern North Atlantic: The Desertas rift zone, Madeira archipelago. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 141, 123-155
  • Geldmacher J., Hanan B.B., Blichert-Toft J., Harpp K., Hoernle K., Hauff F., Werner R., Kerr A. (2003) Hf isotopic variations in volcanic rocks from the Caribbean Large Igneous Province and Gal谩pagos hotspot tracks. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4 (7), 2002GC000477
  • Geldmacher J., Troll V.R., Emeleus C.H., Donaldson C.H. (2002) Pb-isotope evidence for contrasting crustal contamination of primitive to evolved magmas from Ardnamurchan and Rum: implications for the structure of the underlying crust.  Scottish Journal of Geology 38, 55-61
  • Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Bogaard P.v.d., Zankl G., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D. (2001) Earlier history of the 鲁 70 Ma old Canary Hotspot based on the temporal and geochemical evolution of the Selvagen Archipelago and neighboring seamounts in the eastern North Atlantic. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111, 55-87
  • Geldmacher J., Hoernle K. (2000) The 72 Ma Geochemical Evolution of the Madeira Hotspot (eastern North Atlantic): Recycling of Palaeozoic (鈮 500 Ma) Basaltic and Gabbroic Crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 183, 73-92
  • Geldmacher J., Bogaard P.v.d., Hoernle K., Schmincke H.-U. (2000) The 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Madeira archipelago and hotspot track (eastern North Atlantic). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 1 (1), 1999GC000018
  • Geldmacher J., Haase K.M., Devey C.W., Garbe-Sch枚nberg D. (1998) The petrogenesis of Tertiary cone-sheets in Ardnamurchan, NW Scotland: petrological and geochemical constraints on crustal contamination and partial melting. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 131, 196-209

Popul盲rwissenschaftliche Ver枚ffentlichungen

  • Homrighausen S., Geldmacher J., Hoernle K., Roony T. (2021) Intraplate volcanism. In: Alderton D., Elias S.A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geology, vol. 2, 52-59. United Kingdom: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B987-0-12-409548-9.12489-4

  • Geldmacher J., Werner R., Hauff F., Uenzelmann-Neben G. (2020) Marine Supervulkane und deren Auswirkung in der Erdgeschichte. In: Jorzik O., Kandarr J., Klinghammer P., Spreen D. (eds.) ESKP-Themenspecial Vulkanismus und Gesellschaft. Zwischen Risiko, Vorsorge und Faszination, 117-120. Potsdam: Helmholtz-Zentrum Postdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ.
  • Vo脽 T., B眉rkner G., Geldmacher J. (2000) So entstand Schleswig-Holstein: Die Entstehungsgeschichte eines von Gletschern geformten Landes. Geo Print Verlag Elmshorn, ISBN No. 3-9806998-0-3