Dr. Jens Karstens

91探花 | Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel

Forschungsbereich 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
FE Geodynamik

Raum: 8C-203
Telefon: +49 431 600-2415
Fax: +49 431 600-2922
E-Mail: jkarstens(at)geomar.de

Wischhofstra脽e 1-3
D-24148 Kiel


Ich bin mariner Geophysiker und interessiere mich f眉r ein breites Spektrum von geologischen Ph盲nomenen, die den Meeresboden und den Untergrund der Erde pr盲gen. Meine Forschung st眉tzt sich haupts盲chlich auf die Analyse seismischer und hydroakustischer Daten, und wann immer m枚glich, versuche ich, Beobachtungen analytisch oder mit numerischen Simulationen zu quantifizieren. Meine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind (Zahlen beziehen sich auf begutachtete Ver枚ffentlichungen):

  • Die Rekonstruktion submariner Georisiken wie Vulkanausbr眉che [,  , , , & ], das Abrutschen von Vulkanflanken [, , , , , , , & ], pyroklastische Str枚me [], Hangrutschungen an Kontinentalr盲ndern [] und Tsunamis [ & ]
  • Die Evolution Fluidflusssysteme in Meeressedimenten als Reaktion auf Vergletscherungen [] vulkanische Intrusionen [, & ] und schnelle Sedimentation []
  • Die Untersuchung der Umweltvertr盲glichkeit der 枚konomischen Nutzung des Meeresbodens, einschlie脽lich der Speicherung von CO2 [ & ], des Austretens von Methan aus stillgelegten Bohrl枚chern [, & ] und bohrungsbedingter Blowouts []
  • Die Entwicklung von 脺berwachungstechnologien, -strategien und -algorithmen f眉r intelligente 脺berwachungsanwendungen f眉r geologische und 枚kologische Gefahren sowie f眉r die wirtschaftliche Nutzung des Meeresbodens [,  & 43].

Ausbildung und Werdegang

  • seit 2016: Postdoc am 91探花 | Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel                               
  • 2015 - 2016: Postdoc in der Abteilung f眉r Geowissenschaften an der Universit盲t in Bergen (Norwegen)                  
  • 2011 - 2015: Doktorand der marinen Geophysik am 91探花 | Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel    
  • 2009 - 2011: M.Sc in Geophysik an der Christian-Albrechts-Universit盲t, Kiel                                                   
  • 2006 - 2009: B.Sc. in Angewandter Geophysik an der Christian-Albrechts-Universit盲t, Kiel                        


  • 2024 - heute:  - 鈥婨in Real-Labor f眉r verbesserte Prognose- und Aktionsm枚glichkeiten f眉r multiple geomarine Extremereignisse
    Analyse von Geogefahren in der Ag盲is und Erprobing von Monitoringtechnologien 
  • 2023 - heute: MOLA - Helmholtz Validation project Modular Ocean Lander Architecture (Projektleitung)
    Entwicklung von Meeresboden-Landern und intelligenten 脺berwachungsnetzen f眉r den Meeresboden
  • 2022 - heute: 
    Gefahren- und Risikobewertung von durch Erdrutsche ausgel枚sten Tsunamis und Katastrophenkaskaden vor der K眉ste Siziliens
  • 2019 - 2023: THESEUS 鈥 Tsunami hazard of explosive submarine eruptions (Projektleitung)
    2D- und 3D-seismische Analyse der minoischen Eruption und des Ausbruchs von Kolumbo im Jahr 1650
    Unteruschung der Bohrlokationen f眉r die IODP-Expedition 398 "Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field"
  • 2019 - 2022:  (Koprojektleitung)
    Entwicklung von Meeresbodeninstrumenten zur 脺berwachung der marinen CO2-Speicherung durch Bodenverformungen
    Organisation einer Testkampagne f眉r Deformationsmessungen mit Glasfaserkabeln (DSS)
  • 2019 - 2020: 
    Seismische Analyse potenzieller Grundwasserleiter in einer Karbonatplattform vor der K眉ste Maltas
  • 2017 - 2021: 
    Multimethoden-Analyse des Fluidkanals unter der Scanner Pockmark (Nordsee)
    2D-seismische und hydroakustische Analyse den durch einen Bohrunfall verursachten Blowout-Kraters Figge Maar
  • 2016 - 2018: RITTER ISLAND - Tsunami potential of volcanic flank collapses
    3D-seismische Analyse des Einsturzes des Vulkansektors der Ritterinsel im Jahr 1888
    Numerische Tsunami-Simulationen des Sektorkollapsszenarien
  • 2015 - 2016: 
    Seismisch-stratigraphische Rekonstruktion der postglazialen Sedimentation am mittelnorwegischen Kontinentalhang
    Numerische Simulationen der Gashydratstabilit盲t
  • 2011 - 2015: 
    3D-seismische Analyse fokussierter Fluidwegsamkeiten im S眉dlichen Viking Graben
    Numerische Simulationen von CO2-Leckageszenarien f眉r die CO2-Speicherst盲tte Sleipner

Forschungsausfahrten und Feldarbeit

  • 2024: M198: Geod盲tische und hydroakustische Messungen und Ger盲te Tests an der unterseeischen Flanke des Etnas  (Co-Fahrtleitung)    
  • 2023: Ger盲tetests an Bord von FS LITTORINA in der Ostsee (Fahrtleitung)
  • 2021: Amphibisches Glasfserexperiment zu Messung von Bodendeformation (DSS) in der Ostsee (Leitung)
  • 2019: POS538 - P-Cable 3D, 2D und OBS Seismik an Bord von FS POSEIDON in der 脛g盲is (Fahrtleitung)
  • 2018: MSM78 - RockDrill2 Bohrungen an Bord von FS MARIA S. MERIAN in the britischen Nordsee (Fahrtleitung)
  • 2018: AL512 - 2D und OBS Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS ALKOR in der deutschen Nordsee (Fahrtleitung)
  • 2017: MSM63 - 2D und OBS Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS MARIA S. MERIAN in der britischen Nordsee
  • 2015: SO241 - 2D und OBS Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS SONNE in the Golf von Kalifornien (Laborleitung)
  • 2014: OR1415 - 3D and OBS Seismik an Bord von RV OCEAN RESEARCHER V vor Taiwan (Laborleitung)
  • 2014: Geologische Feldarbeit im Colorado Plateau, USA (Leitung)
  • 2013: AL427 - 2D Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS ALKOR (Praktikumsausfahrt) in der Ostsee (Praktikumsbetreuer)
  • 2012: AL404 - 2D und P-Cable 3D Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS ALKOR in der Ostsee
  • 2012: AL403 - 2D und P-Cable 3D Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS ALKOR in der Ostsee
  • 2012: M87/2 - 2D und OBS Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS METEOR in der Norwegischen See (Laborleitung)
  • 2012: M86/3 - 2D und OBS Seismik an Bord von FS MARIA S. MERIAN in der Adria
  • 2012: AL381 - F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS ALKOR in der Nordsee (Laborleitung)
  • 2011: AL374 - 2D Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS ALKOR (Praktikumsausfahrt) in der Ostsee (Praktikumsbetreuer)
  • 2011: AL360 - 2D Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS ALKOR (Praktikumsausfahrt) in der Ostsee (Praktikumsbetreuer)
  • 2010: JC45/46 - 2D und P-Cable 3D Seismik an Bord von RSS JAMES COOK vor Montserrat, Karibik
  • 2010: POS393/2 -  Aussetzen von OBS an Bord von FS POSEIDON in der Alboran See und im Golf von Cadiz
  • 2009: HE306 - 2D Seismik, F盲cherecholot und Sedimentecholot an Bord von FS HEINCKE in der deutschen Nordsee
  • 2008: Planung und Installation seismologischer Netzwerke in Maule, Araucaria und Los Rios, Chile


  • 2024: Interview f眉r Magazinartikel in bild der Wissenschaft "" 
  • 2024: Zeitungsartikel in der Frankfurter Rundschau 鈥溾
  • 2024: Zeitungsartikel in der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 鈥溾
  • 2024: Magazine Artikel in National Geographics 鈥溾
  • 2024: 91探花 Pressemitteilungen 鈥Scientific Drilling Unravels Historical Mystery Surrounding Santorini
  • 2023: Beitrag zu TV-Dokumentation im NDR 鈥溾
  • 2023: Zeitungsartikel in der Welt 鈥溾
  • 2023: Zeitungsartikel in der Morgenpost 鈥溾
  • 2023: Zeitungsartikel im Tagesspiegel 鈥溾
  • 2023: Online Artikel bei Spektrum 鈥溾
  • 2023: Online Artikel bei scinexx.de 鈥溾
  • 2023: 91探花 Pressemitteilungen 鈥Mystery of volcanic tsunami solved after 373 years
  • 2023: Interview f眉r Natur ""                 
  • 2023: Blogpost bei pre-collapse.eu "鈥 (Vulkanische Tsunami-Gefahren: Was kann uns der Meeresboden von Santorin sagen?)                                
  • 2023: Kurzartikel im Bild der Wissenschaft in "鈥                                                                                                    
  • 2023: Online Artikel bei in.gr "鈥 (Die Geheimnisse des Meeresbodens von Santorin)                               
  • 2023: Zeitungsinterview f眉r taz Nord ""                                                               
  • 2023: Zeitungsartikel bei Kathimerini "" (Neue Geheimnisse um den Vulkan Santorin gel眉ftet)   
  • 2023: Online Artikel bei scinexx.de 鈥溾                               
  • 2023: 91探花 Pressemitteilungen 鈥Vermessung von Minoischer Eruption verbessert Risikoabsch盲tzung鈥                                                          
  • 2023: Online Artikel bei scinexx.de 鈥溾                                                                               
  • 2023: Zeitungsartikel in Der Standard ""      
  • 2023: 91探花 Pressemitteilungen "Neubewertung Storegga-Ereignis: zweite gro脽e Hangrutschung erkannt"                                        
  • 2023: Interview f眉r AGU Editorial "" (脺berraschende Magmakammer w盲chst unter Mittelmeervulkan)                                       
  • 2022: 91探花 & CAU Pressemitteilungen 鈥Gasausbruch der Vergangenheit lehrt den Meeresboden zu verstehen"                                    
  • 2020: Zeitungsinterview f眉r Die Welt 鈥溾                                                                                                
  • 2019: Online Artikel bei scinexx.de 鈥溾                                                                                         
  • 2019: 91探花 Pressemitteilung 鈥Vorboten eines katastrophalen Kollapses"                                                                                                     
  • 2018: Zeitungsinterview f眉r Frankfurter Neue Presse 鈥Brennendes Eis als Energiequelle鈥&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;
  • 2018: 91探花 Pressemitteilung 鈥Was l枚ste Gashydrate am Ende der letzten Eiszeit auf?"                                                        
  • 2013: 91探花 Pressemitteilung "Jede Schicht eine Naturkatastrophe"

Wissenschaftliche Ver枚ffentlichungen

Zitiatmetriken: Google Scholar: h-index of 21; i10-index of 30; 1359 Zitate (January 2025)

Begutachtete Ver枚ffentlichungen


47. Bernstetter, A., Kwasnitschka, T., Karstens, J., Schl眉ter, M., & Peters, I., accepted. Collaborative Virtual Fieldwork in Spatially Immersive Environments using Game Engines. Computers & Geosciences.

46. Reinardy, B.T., Karstens, J., B枚ttner, C., Lichtschlag, A., Berndt, C., Strandberg, N.A., & Callow, B., 2025. The Pleistocene Witch Ground Ice Stream in the central North Sea.  Journal of Quaternary Science, 1-16. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3691


45. *Zainab, T., Harms, L., Karstens, J., & Landsiedel, O., accepted.  SeismicSense: Phase Picking of Seismic Events with Embedded Machine Learning. The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing.

44. Steinmetz, F., Gonzalez, E., Herges, R., Renner, B.-C., & Karstens, J., accepted. Integration of the ahoi Modem into the MOLA sea floor lander system: Concept, Realization and Real-World Trials. The 18th International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNet 2024).

43. B枚ttner, C., Hoffmann, J., Unverricht, D., Schmidt, M., Spiegel, T., Geersen, J., M眉ller, T. H., Karstens, J., Andresen, K. J., Sander, L., Schneider von Deimling, J., & Schmidt, C., 2024. . Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, e2024GC011837. DOI: 10.1029/2024GC011837

42. K眉hn, M., Berndt, C., Watt, S. F. L., Hornbach, M., Krastel, S., Sass, K., Kutterolf, S., Freudenthal, T., Huhn, K., Karstens, J., Schramm, B., Elger, J. B枚ttner, C., & Kl盲schen, D., 2024. .  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25, e2024GC011564. DOI: 1029/2024GC01156

41. Preine, J., Karstens, J., H眉bscher, C., Druitt, T.H., Kutterolf, S., Nomikou, P., Manga, M., Gertisser, R., Pank, K., Beethe, S., Berthod, C., Crutchley G.J., McIntosh, I.M., Ronge, T., Tominga, M., Clark, A., DeBari, S.M., Johnston, R.M., Mateo, Z.R.P., Peccia, A., Jones, C., Kletetschka, G., Metcalfe, A., Bernard, A., Chen, H., Chiyonobu, S., Fernandez Perez, T.I., Batuk Joshi, K., Koukousioura, O., McCanta, M., Morris, A., Polymenakou, P., Woodhouse, A., Yamamoto, Y., Wang, K.-L., Lee, H.-Y., Xiaohui, L., & Papanikolaou, D., 2024. .  Nature Geoscience, 1-9. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-024-01392-7

40. Druitt, T.H., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T., H眉bscher, C., Nomikou, P., Preine, J., Gertisser, R., Karstens, J., Keller, J., Koukousioura, O., Manga, M., Metcalfe, A., McCanta, M., McIntosh, I.M., Pank, K., Woodhouse, A., Beethe, S., Berthod, C., Chiyonobu, S., Chen, H., Clark, A., DeBari, S.M., Johnston, R.M., Peccia, A., Yamamoto, Y., Bernard, A., Fernandez Perez, T.I., Jones, C., Batuk Joshi, K., Kletetschka, G., Xiaohui, L., Morris, A., Polymenakou, P., Tominga, M., & Papanikolaou, D., 2024. .  Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 24. DOI: 10.1038/s43247-023-01171-z


39. Karstens, J., Crutchley, G. J, Hansteen, T. Preine, J., Carey, S., Elger, J., K眉hn, M., Nomikou, P., Schmid, F., Kelfoun K., Dalla Valle, G., & Berndt, C., 2023. .  Nature Communications, 14(1), 6606. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42261-y

38. Crutchley G.J., Karstens, J., Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., K眉hn, M., & Fossen, H.l., 2023. . Tectonics, 42, e2023TC007951. DOI: 10.1029/2023TC007951

37. Berndt, C., Planke, S., Alvarez Zarikian, C., Frieling, J., Millett, J., Jones, M., Brinkhuis, H., Buenz, S., Svensen, H., Longman, J., Scherer, R., Karstens, J., Manton, B., Huismans, R., Faleide, J.I., Agarwal, A., Andrews, G., Betlem, P., Bhattacharya, J., Chatterjee, S., Christopoulou, M., Clementi, V., Ferre, E., Filina, I., Guo, P., Harper, D., Lambart, S., Mohn, G., Nakaoka, R., Tegner, C., Varela, N., Wang, M.,  Xu, W., and Yager, S., 2023. .  Nature Geoscience, 16, 803鈥809.  DOI: 10.1038/s41561-023-01246-8

36. Karstens, J., Preine, J., Carey, S., Bell, K.C., Nomikou, P., and Urlaub, M., 2023. .  Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118215

35. Karstens, J., Preine, J., Crutchley, G. J, Kutterolf, S., van der Bilt, W., Hooft, E., Druitt, T., Schmid, F., Cederstr酶m, J.M., H眉bscher, C., Nomikou, P., Carey, S., K眉hn, M., Elger, J., and Berndt, C., 2023. .  Nature Communications. 14, 2497. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38176-3

34. Zainab, T., Karstens, J., & Landsiedel, O., 2023.  . Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation. DOI: 10.1145/3576842.3582387

33. Karstens, J., Haflidason, H., Berndt, C., and Crutchley, C.J., 2023. .  Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 55. DOI: 10.1038/s43247-023-00710-y


32. Preine, J., Karstens, J., H眉bscher, C., Nomikou, P., Schmid, F., Crutchley, G.J., and Druitt, T., 2022. .  Geology, 50, 1. DOI: 10.1130/G49167.1

31. Karstens, J., Schneider von Deimling, J., Berndt, C., B枚ttner, C., K眉hn, M., Reinardy, B.T.I., Ehrhardt, A., Schramm, B., Haeckel, M., Klaeschen, D., Elger, J., Schmidt, M., Gros, J., Heinrich, S., M眉ller, P., and Bense, F., 2022. .  Earth Science, Systems and Society, 2, 10053. DOI: 10.3389/esss.2022.10053

30. Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., & Nomikou, P., 2022. . Tectonics, e2022TC007524. DOI: 10.1029/2022TC007524

29. Zainab, T., Karstens, J., & Landsiedel, O., 2022.  .  Informatik Spektrum, 45(5). DOI: 10.1007/s00287-022-01486-9

28. Preine, J., Karstens, J., H眉bscher, C., Nomikou, P., Schmid, F., Crutchley, G.J., & Druitt, T., 2022. .  Basin Research, 34(4). DOI: 10.1111/bre.12667

27. Karstens, J., M眉ller, P., Berndt, C., and Patruno, S., 2022. . In Cross border themes in petroleum geology I: The North Sea. Geological Society of London Special Publications, 494. DOI: 10.1144/SP494-2019-26

26. Sarkar, S., Moser, M., Berndt, C., Doll, M., B枚ttner, C., Chi, W.-C., Klaeschen, D., Galerne, C.Y., Karstens, J., Geilert, S., Mortera-Gutierrez, C., & Hensen, C., 2022. . Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 127(8), e2021JB023909.  DOI: 10.1029/2021JB023909

25. Conelly, M. Bull, J.M., Flohr, A., Schaap, A., Koopmans, D., Blackford, J.C., White, P.R., James, R.H. Pearce, C., Lichtschlag, A., Achterberg, E.P., de Beer, D., Roche, B., Li, J., Saw, K., Alendal, G., Avlesen, H., Brown, R., Borisov, S.M.,  Bo虉ttner, C., Cazenave, P.W., Chen, B., Dale, A.W., Dean, M., Dewar, M., Esposito, M., Gros, J., Haeckel, M., Hosking, B., Huvenne, V., Karstens, J., Le Bas, T., Leighton, T.G., Linke, P., Loucaides, S., Matter, J.M., Monk, S.,  Mowlem, M.C., Oleynik, A., Omar, A.M., Peel, K., Provenzano, G., Saleem, U., Schmidt, M., Schramm, B., Sommer, S., Strong, J., Falcon Suarez, I., Ungerboeck, B., Widdicombe, S., Wright, H., & Yakushev, E., 2022. .  Environmental Science and Technology, 166, 112670. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112670


24. Schramm, B., Berndt, C., Dannowski, A., Bo虉ttner, C., Karstens, J., & Elger, J., 2021.  .  Marine and Petroleum Geoscience, 105302. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105302

23. Callow, B, Bull, J. M., Provenzano, G, Robinson, A. H., Birinci, H., B枚ttner, C., Bayrakci, G., Henstock, T. J., Minshull, T. A., Lichtschlag, A., Roche, B., Yilo, N., Berndt, C., Gehrmann, R., Karstens, J., & Falcon-Suarez, I. H., 2021. .  Marine and Petroleum Geoscience, 155, 105301. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105301

22. Gehrmann, R.A.S., Provenzano, G., B枚ttner, C., Marin-Moreno, H., Bayrakci, G., Tan. Y. Y., Yilo, N. K., Djanni, A. T., Weitemeyer, K. A., Minshull, T. A., Bull, M, Berndt, C., & Karstens, J., 2021. . International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 109, 103343. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2021.103343

21. Haroon, A., Micallef, A., Jegen, M., Schwalenberg, K., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., Garcia, X., K眉hn, M., Rizzo, E., Fusi, N.C., Ahaneku Valeria, C., Petronio, L., Faghih, Z., & Weymer, B.A., 2021.  Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091909. DOI: 10.1029/2020GL091909

20. Robinson, A.H., Callow, B., B枚ttner, C., Yilo, N., Provenzano, G., Falcon-Suarez, I.H., Marin-Moreno, H., Lichtschlag, A., Bayrakci, G., Gehrmann, R., Parkes, L., Roche, B., Saleem, U., Schramm, B., Waage, M., Lavayssiere, A., Li, J., Jedari-Eyvazi, F., Sahoo, S., Deusner, C., Kossel, E., Minshull, T. A., Berndt, C., Bull, J.M., Dean, M., James, R.H., Chapman, M., Best, A. I., B眉nz, S., Chen, B., Connelly, D. P., Elger, J., Haeckel, M., Henstock, T. J., Karstens, J., Macdonald, C., Matter, J.M., North, L. & Reinardy, B., 2021. .  International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 106, 103245. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2020.103245

19. K眉hn, M., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., & Watt, S.F.L., 2021 . 2021. Marine Geology, 439, 106563. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106563

18. Watt, S.F.L., Karstens, J., & Berndt, C., 2021. . In Volcanic Debris Avalanches 鈥 From Collapse to hazard, Springer books. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-57411-6_10


17. Karstens, J., Kelfoun, K., Watt, S.F.L., & Berndt, C., 2020. .  International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-020-01854-4

16. B枚ttner, C., Berndt, C., Schmidt, M., Haeckel, M., Vielst盲dte, L., Kutsch, J., & Karstens, J., 2020. .  International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 100, 103119. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2020.103119


15. Glo虉ckner, M., Walda, J., Dell, S., Gajewski, D., Karstens, J., Klaeschen, D., & Berndt, C., 2019. .  Geophysical Journal International, 219 (3). DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggz403

14. B枚ttner, C., Berndt, C., Reinardy, B.T.I., Geersen, J., Karstens, J., Bull, J.M., Callow, B.J., Lichtschlag, A., Schmidt, M., Elger, J., Schramm, B., & Haeckel, M., 2019. .  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(4). DOI: 10.1029/2018GC008068

13. Watt, S.F.L., Karstens, J., Micallef, A., Berndt, C., Urlaub, M., Desai, A., Klaucke, I., B枚ttner, C., Day, S., Downes, H., K眉hn, M., & Elger, J., 2019. . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 517. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.04.024

12. Karstens, J., Berndt, C., Urlaub, M., Watt, S.F.L., Micallef, A., K眉hn, M., Klaucke, I., Muff, S., Klaeschen, D., Roth, T., B枚ttner, C., Schramm, B., Elger, J., Ray, M., & Brune, S., 2019. . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 517. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.04.009


11. Karstens, J., Haflidason, H., Becker, L., Berndt, C., R眉pke, L., Planke, S., Liebetrau, V., Schmidt, M., & Mienert, J., 2018. .  Nature Communications, 9, 635. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03043-z  


10. Vielst盲dte, L., Haeckel, M., Karstens, J., Linke, P., Schmidt, M., Steinle, L. & Wallmann, K., 2017. . Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (17). DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02732

9. Karstens, J., Ahmed, W., Berndt, C., & Class, H., 2017. . Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.08.003


8. Berndt, C., Hensen, C., Mortera-Gutierrez, C., Sarkar, S., Geilert, S., Schmidt, M., Liebetrau, V., Kipfer, R., Scholz, F., Doll, M., Muff, S., Karstens, J., B枚ttner, C., Chi, W.C., Moser, M., Behrendt, R., Fiskal, A., Lever, M., Planke, S., Lizarralde, D., & Petersen, S., 2016. . Geology, 45, 7. DOI: 10.1130/G38049.1


7. Vielst盲dte, L., Karstens, J., Haeckel, M., Schmidt, M., Liebetrau, V., Reimann, S., Linke, P., McGinnis, D., & Wallmann, K., 2015. . Marine and Petroleum Geology, 68. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.07.030

6. Karstens, J., & Berndt, C., 2015. . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 412. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.12.017


5. Villar-Mu帽oz, L., Behrmann, J.H., Diaz-Naveas, J., Klaeschen, D., & Karstens, J., 2014. . Geo-Marine Letters, 34. DOI: 10.1007/s00367-013-0353-z


4. Karstens, J., Crutchley, G.J., Berndt, C., Talling, P.J., Watt, S.F.L., H眉hnerbach, V., Le Friant, A.L., Lebas, E., Trofimovs, J., & Watt, S.F.L., 2013. . Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 257. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.03.004

3. Crutchley, G.J., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., Talling, P.J., Watt, S.F.L., Vardy, M.E., H眉hnerbach, V., Urlaub, M., Sarkar, S., Klaeschen, D., Paulatto, M., Le Friant, A., Lebas, E., & Maeno, F., 2013. . Marine Geology, 335. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2012.10.004


2. Watt, S.F.L., Talling, P.J., Vardy, M.E., Heller, V., H眉hnerbach, V., Urlaub, M., Sarkar, S., Masson, D.G., Henstock, T.J., Minshull, T.A., Paulatto, M., Le Friant, A., Lebas, E., Berndt, C., Crutchley, G.J., Karstens, J., Stinton, A.J., & Maeno, F., 2012. . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 319-320. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.11.032

1. Watt, S.F.L., Talling, P.J., Vardy, M.E., Masson, D.G., Henstock, T.J., H眉hnerbach, V., Minshull, T.A., Urlaub, M., Lebas, E., Le Friant, A., Berndt, C., Crutchley, G.J., & Karstens, J., 2012. . Marine Geology, 323-325. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2012.08.002


Publications without peer review

  • Galerne, C., Cheviet, A., Kahl, W.-A., Wiggers, C., Bach, W., Neumann, F., Buatier, M., H枚fig, T.W., Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Pe帽a-Salinas, M., Karstens, J., B枚ttner, C., Berndt, C., Aiello, I.W., Marsaglia, K.M., Gontharet, S., Kuhnert, H., Stock, J., Negrete-Aranda, R., Zhang, J., & Kopf, A., submitted. Sill stacking in subseafloor unconsolidated sediments and control on sustained hydrothermal systems: evidence from IODP drilling in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California.  Authorea Preprints. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.172493960.00538303
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., Crutchley G.J., & Nomikou, P., 2022. .  Authorea Preprints. DOI: 10.1002/essoar.10512943.2
  • Bohloli, B., Arjomand, E., Berndt, C., Bj酶rnara虋, T.I., Bouquet, S., Dujardin, J.-R., Eiken, O., Estublier, A., Fourno, A., Frauenfelder, R., Frey, J., Karstens, J., Kear, J., Lee, Y.-K., Moreno, H.M., Marti虂nez Orio, R., Meckel, T., Meland, H., Mondol, N.H., Park, J., Park, Y.-C., Soroush, A., Salimzadeh, S., Sparrevik, P.M., Vidal, J.A.M., Vincent, C., Vo虉ge, M., White, J., Xue, Z., & Zarifi, Z., 2022. . International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-16), Lyon, 23 鈥 28 October 2022.
  • Bohloli, B., Bateson, L., Berndt, C., Bj酶rnara虋, T.I., Eiken, O., Estublier, A., Frauenfelder, R., Karstens, J., Marti虂nez Orio, R., Meckel, T., Mondol, N.H., Park, J., Soroush, A., Soulat, A., Sparrevik, P.M., Vincent, C., Vo虉ge, M., Waarum, I.-K., White, J., Xue, Z., Zarifi, Z., & A虂lvarez Gutie虂rrez, I., 2021. . International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-15), Abu Dhabi 5 鈥 8, October 2021. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3818971
  • Micallef, A., Watt, S., Berndt, C., Urlaub, M., Brune, S., Klaucke, I., B枚ttner, C., Karstens, J., & Elger, J., 2017. .  Eos: Earth & Space Science News, 48. DOI: 10.1029/2017EO083743
  • Eriksen, F. N., Berndt, C., Karstens, J., & Crutchley, C.J., 2015. In: Near-Surface Asia Pacific Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 7 - 10 July 2015. Society of Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 116-119. DOI: 10.1190/nsapc2015-029


Data publications

  • Crutchley, G.J., Karstens, J., Elger, J., & K眉hn, M., 2023. .  Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.960973
  • Karstens, J., & Preine, J., 2023. .  Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.956579
  • Karstens, J., & Berndt, C., 2023. .  Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.954535 
  • B枚ttner, C., Haeckel, M., Schmidt, M., Berndt, C., Vielst盲dte, L., Kutsch, J.A., Karstens, J., & Wei脽, T., 2021. .  Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.928949
  • Schramm, B., Bayrakci, G., Dannowski, A., Berndt, C., B枚ttner, C., Karstens, J., Bull, J., Elger, J., & Minshull T.A., 2020. .  Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.915968
  • Karstens, J., B枚ttner, C., & W枚lfl, A.-C., 2021. .  Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.931011
  • Berndt, C., K眉hn, M., & Karstens, J., 2021. .  Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.929022
  • Karstens, J., 2012. .  Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.775122
  • Karstens, J., 2012. . Pangaea. DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.777244


Intellectual property publications

  • Karstens, J., 2023. WO200023078497A1 - Measuring Device Anchor. WIPO (PCT) publication.
  • Karstens, J., 2022. DE202021106052U1 Messger盲te-Anker. Gebrauchsmusterschrift.
  • Karstens, J., 2022. DE202021106053U1 Signalgeber-Ausl枚semechanismus f眉r Messger盲te. Gebrauchsmusterschrift.
  • Karstens, J. & Berndt, C., 2021. WO2021058051A1 - Seabed measurement measuring unit, seabed measurement measuring unit sensor swarm and method for using same. WIPO (PCT) publication.
  • Karstens, J. & Berndt, C., 2021. DE102019125905A1 - Meeresbodenmessungen-Messeinheit, Meeresbodenmessungen-Messeinheiten-Sensorschwarm und Einsatzverfahren daf眉r. Offenlegungsschrift.
  • Karstens, J. & Berndt, C., 2019. DE202019105337U1 - Meeresbodenmessungen-Messeinheit, Meeresbodenmessungen-Messeinheiten-Sensorschwarm und Einsatzverfahren daf眉r. Gebrauchsmusterschrift.


Conference presentations

  • K眉hn, M., Urlaub, M., Husrin, S., Furst, S., Berndt, C., Karstens, J., Belo, J., Supardi, S. R., Karima, S., Budi Nugroho, A., Pratama, A., Klein, E., Pank, K., Berndt, J., Matthies, F., Meredew, K., & Preine, P., 2024. New insights into processes involved in the 1883 Krakatau eruption and tsunami from seismic and hydroacoustic data. AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington D.C., 9 - 13 December 2024.
  • Galerne, C., Cheviet, A., Kahl, W.-A., Wiggers, C., Bach, W., Neumann, F., Buatier, M., H枚fig, T.W., Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Pe帽a-Salinas, M., Karstens, J., B枚ttner, C., Berndt, C., Aiello, I.W., Marsaglia, K.M., Gontharet, S., Kuhnert, H., Stock, J., Negrete-Aranda, R., Zhang, J., & Kopf, A., submitted. Sill stacking in subseafloor unconsolidated sediments and control on sustained hydrothermal systems: evidence from IODP drilling in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California. ILP Krak贸w 2024 - 18th Workshop of the International Lithosphere Program Task Force Sedimentary Basins, Krakow, 07 - 11 October 2024.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Woodhouse, A., Koukousioura, O., Chiyonobu, S., Druitt, T.H., Kutterolf, S., Nomikou, P., Ronge, T., Beethe, S., Manga, M., McIntosh, I.M., Tominga, M., Bernard, A., Berthod, C., Chen, H., Clark, A., DeBari, S.M., Fernandez Perez, T.I., Gertisser, R., Johnston, R.M., Jones, C., Batuk Joshi, K., Kletetschka, G., McCanta, M., Morris, A., Pank, K., Peccia, A., Polymenakou, P., Yamamoto, Y., Metcalfe, A., Xiaohui, L., Crutchley, G.J., & Karstens, J., 2024. IODP Expedition 398 reveals a major normal fault along the Kolumbo Volcanic Chain. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14 鈥 19 April 2024.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Woodhouse, A., Koukousioura, O., Chiyonobu, S., Druitt, T.H., Kutterolf, S., Nomikou, P., Ronge, T., Beethe, S., Manga, M., McIntosh, I.M., Tominga, M., Bernard, A., Berthod, C., Chen, H., Clark, A., DeBari, S.M., Fernandez Perez, T.I., Gertisser, R., Johnston, R.M., Jones, C., Batuk Joshi, K., Kletetschka, G., McCanta, M., Morris, A., Pank, K., Peccia, A., Polymenakou, P., Yamamoto, Y., Metcalfe, A., Xiaohui, L., Crutchley, G.J., & Karstens, J., 2024. Discovery of a major normal fault along the Kolumbo Volcanic Chain reveals fundamental volcano-tectonic feedback mechanisms. Cities on Volcanoes 12, Antigua, 11 鈥 17 February 2024.
  • Nievas, C.I., Androsov, A., Harig, S., Hinz, A.-K., Karstens, J., Ren, Y., Urlaub, M., & Weatherill, G., 2024. Propagating Uncertainty in Tsunamigenesis through to Damage and Loss using Data Reduction. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), Milan, 30 June - 5 July 2024.
  • Preine, J., Karstens, J., H眉bscher, C., Druitt, T.H., Kutterolf, S., Nomikou, P., Manga, M., Beethe, S., Berthod, C., Clark, A., Crutchley, G.J., DeBari, S.M., Gertisser, R., Johnston, R.M., Mateo, Z.R.P., McIntosh, I.M., Pank, K., Peccia, A., Ronge, T., Tominga, M., Chen, H., Chiyonobu, S., Fernandez Perez, T.I., Jones, C., Batuk Joshi, K., Kletetschka, G., McCanta, M., Morris, A., Polymenakou, P., Woodhouse, A., Yamamoto, Y., Xiaohui, L., Metcalfe, A., & Papanikolaou, D.,2023. Rising from the Ashes: Scientific Drilling Sheds New Light on the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the Kameni Volcano inside the Santorini Caldera (Invited). AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, 11 - 15 December 2023.
  • Druitt, T.H., Kutterolf, S., Preine, J., Gertisser, R., Karstens, J., Keller, J., H眉bscher, C., Koukousioura, O., Manga, M., McCanta, M., McIntosh, I.M., Metcalfe, A., Nomikou, P., Pank, K., Ronge, T., Woodhouse, A., Crutchley, G.J., Beethe, S., Berthod, C., Chiyonobu, S., Chen, H., Clark, A., DeBari, S.M., Johnston, R.M., Peccia, A., Yamamoto, Y., Bernard, A., Fernandez Perez, T.I., Jones, C., Batuk Joshi, K., Kletetschka, G., Xiaohui, L., Morris, A., Polymenakou, P., & Tominga, M., 2023. Deposits from a spectrum of shallow marine to subaerial explosive eruptions studied by deep drilling at Santorini (IODP Expedition 398). AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, 11 - 15 December 2023.
  • Berndt, C., Planke, S., Alvarez Zarikian, C., Frieling, J., Jones, M., Millett, J., Brinkhuis, H., Buenz, S., Svensen, H., Longman, J., Scherer, R., Karstens, J., Manton, B., Nelissen, M., Faleide, J.I., Reed, B., Huismans, R., Agarwal, A., Andrews, G., Betlem, P., Bhattacharya, J., Chatterjee, S., Christopoulou, M., Clementi, V., Filina, I., Guo, P., Harper, D., Lambart, S., Mohn, G., Nakaoka, R., Varela, N., Wang, M., Xu, W., Yager, S., &  Ferre, E., 2023. Shallow-water hydrothermal venting linked to the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, 11 - 15 December 2023.
  • Crutchley, G.J., Karstens, J., Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., K眉hn, M., & Fossen, H., 2023. Extensional faulting around Kolumbo Volcano, Aegean Sea 鈥 investigating local stress fields, fault relay structures and volcanism. Oceanic Volcanism Workshop 2023, Kiel, 12 - 15 September 2023.
  • Karstens, J., Crutchley, G.J., Hansteen, T.C., Preine, J., Kelfkoun, K., Carey, S., & Nomikou, P.,2023. Combining high-resolution 3D seismic reflection data, historical eyewitness accounts, and numerical simulations to reconstruct the 1650 Kolumbo eruption and tsunami in the Aegean Sea. Oceanic Volcanism Workshop 2023, Kiel, 12 - 15 September 2023.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., Crutchley, G.J., & Nomikou, P., 2023. From Eruptions to Reflections: Seismic imaging of submarine volcanoes, their plumbing system and eruptive products at the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo Volcanic Field. Oceanic Volcanism Workshop 2023, Kiel, 12 - 15 September 2023.
  • Crutchley G.J., Karstens, J., Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Fossen, H., & K眉hn, M., 2023. Normal faulting around Kolumbo Volcano - exploring relationships between stress fields and volcanism. GeoBerlin 2023, Berlin, 3 - 7 September 2023.
  • Karstens, J., 2023. Pitch: Modular Ocean lander Architecture. Waterkant Festival 2023, Kiel, 16 - 17 June 2023.
  • Zainab, T., Karstens, J., & Landsiedel, O., 2023. Towards Distributed Machine Learning for Data Acquisition in Wireless Sensor Networks. 29th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, San Antonio, 9 - 12 May 2023.
  • K眉hn, M., Berndt, C., Krastel, S., Kutterolf, S., Karstens, J., Watt, S. F. L., Hornbach, M., Huhn, K.  & Freudenthal, K., 2023. Flank collapse, sediment failure and flow-transition: the multi-stage deposition of a volcanic sector collapse offshore Montserrat, Lesser Antilles. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, 23 鈥 28 April 2023.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., Crutchley, G.J., & Nomikou, P., 2023. Seismic imaging of the submarine Kolumbo Volcanic Chain reveals its volcano-tectonic evolution and link to Santorini. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, 23 鈥 28 April 2023.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., Crutchley, G.J., & Nomikou, P., 2023. Seismic imaging of the submarine Kolumbo Volcanic Chain. DGG Meeting 2023, Bremen, 5 - 9 March 2023.
  • Planke, S., Berndt, C., Zarikian, C.A., B眉nz, S., Huismans, R., Karstens, J., Svensen, H., Manton, B., and the IODP Expedition 396 Scientific Party, 2022. Shallow-water hydrothermal venting during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM): New results from IODP Expedition 396 in the V酶ring Basin, Norwegian Sea. 12th International Conference on Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP12), Bremen, 22 鈥 25 August 2022.
  • Haroon, A., Micallef, A., Jegen, M., Schwalenberg, K., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., Garcia, X., Kuehn, M., Rizzo, E., Fusi, N.C., Ahanek, C. V., Petronio, L., Faghih, Z, Weymer, B.A, de Biase, M., Chidichimo, F., Pondthai, P. & Everett, M. (2022) Evidence for OFG in the carbonate margin of Malta? Insights from geophysical investigations. International Workshop on Freshened Groundwater Research 2022, Valetta, 27 鈥 28 July 2022, Valletta.
  • Karstens, J., Preine, J., Crutchley, G.J., Kutterolf, S., van der Bilt, W., Hooft, E., Druitt, T.H., Schmid, F., Cederstr酶m, J. M., H眉bscher, C., Nomikou, P., Carey, S., K眉hn, M., Elger, J., & Berndt, C., 2022. Revising the volume of the Minoan eruption (Santorini) based on new marine geophysical and sedimentological data. 11th Conference Cities on Volcanoes (COV11), Heraklion, 12 -17 June 2022.
  • Urlaub, M., Karstens, J., & Berndt, C., 2022. Flank collapse mechanisms at coastal and ocean island volcanoes: Insights from shoreline-crossing investigations. 11th Conference Cities on Volcanoes (COV11), Heraklion, 12 - 17 June 2022.
  • Preine, J., Karstens, J., H眉bscher, C., Crutchley, G.J., Druitt, T.H., Schmid, F., & Nomikou, P., 2022. The Hidden Giant: How a rift pulse triggered a disaster cascade of sector collapses and voluminous secondary mass-transport events in the early evolution of Santorini. 11th Conference Cities on Volcanoes (COV11), Heraklion, 12 - 17 June 2022.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., Druitt, T.H., Crutchley, G.J., Hooft, E., Schmid, F., & Nomikou, P., 2022. This Rift is on Fire: Volcano-Tectonic Evolution of the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field, Aegean Sea. 11th Conference Cities on Volcanoes (COV11), Heraklion, 12 - 17 June 2022.
  • Bonanati, C., Urlaub, M., Furst, S., Karstens, J., & Klein, E., 2022. The PRE-COLLAPSE project: A holistic, shoreline-crossing approach to identify precursory signals of flank collapse at coastal and ocean island volcanoes. 11th Conference Cities on Volcanoes (COV11), Heraklion, 12 - 17 June 2022.
  • Urlaub, M., Karstens, J., & Berndt, C., 2022. State of the art in the study of volcanic flank collapses. International Conference on Seafloor Landforms, Processes and Evolution, Valetta, 4-6 June 2022. 11th Conference Cities on Volcanoes (COV11), Heraklion, 12 - 17 June 2022.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., & Karstens, J. 2022. How the interplay of magmatism, tectonics, and mass wasting shaped the morphology of the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo Volcanic field. International Conference on Seafloor Landforms, Processes and Evolution, Valetta, 4 - 6 June 2022.
  • Nievas, C.I., Bouwer, L.M., Urlaub, M., Androsov, A., Babeyko, A., Berndt, C., Cotton, F., Gomez-Zapata, J.C., Karstens, J., Kopp, H., Lin, Q., Schorlemmer, D., & Tang, H., 2022. Risk workflow for CAScading and COmpounding hazards in COastal urban areas: The CASCO Project.  EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna 2022, 23 鈥 27 May 2022.
  • Berndt, C., IODP396 Shipboard scientific party, B眉nz, S., Karstens, J., & Svensen, H., 2022. Shallow-water hydrothermal venting in the North Atlantic during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, 23 鈥 27 May 2022.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., Hooft, E., & Nomikou, P., 2022. This Rift is on Fire: Volcano-Tectonic Evolution of the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field, Aegean Sea. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, 23 鈥 27 May 2022.
  • Galerne, C.Y., Bach, W., Berndt, C., Schwark, L., H枚fig, T. Buatier, M., Chevillet, A., Pistone, M., Acosta, M., Wiggers, C., Kahl, W.-A., Burwicz-Galerne, E., Baumgarther, L., Stockhausen, M., Karstens, J., Monien, P., & the IODP Expedition 385 scientists, 2022. Overview and perspective of peperite formation in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California 鈥 Implications for the Earth鈥檚 Carbon-, Plate-, Life-Cycles. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, 23 鈥 27 May 2022
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., Druitt, T.H., Kutterrolf, S., Crutchley, G.J., & Nomikou, P., 2022. How the interplay of volcanism and tectonics shaped Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field: An outlook on IODP Expedition 398. DGG Meeting 2022, Munich, 7 鈥 10 March 2022.
  • Bohloli, B., Park, J., Bj酶rnara虋, T.I., Sparrevik, P.M., Frauenfelder, R., Vo虉ge, M., Ritter, S., Mondol, N.H., Berndt, C., & Karstens, J., 2021. Monitoring seafloor deformation caused by subsurface fluid injection. 1st International Conference on Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering, Lisbon, 27 - 30 June 2021.
  • Haroon, A., Micallef, A., Jegen, M., Schwalenberg, K., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., Garcia, X., K眉hn, M., Rizzo, E., Fusi, N.C., Ahaneku Valeria, C., Petronio, L., Faghih, Z., & Weymer, B.A., 2021. Controlled source electromagnetic measurements offshore the Maltese Islands: Implications for offshore freshened groundwater in a carbonate shelf. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, 3 - 10 April 2021.
  • Druitt, T.H., H眉bscher, C., Kutterolf, S., Nomikou, P., Papanikolaou, D., & Karstens, J., 2021. Volcanism and tectonics in an island-arc rift environment: proposal to drill at Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo marine volcanic field, Greece. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, 3 - 10 April 2021.
  • Preine, J., H眉bscher, C., Karstens, J., Nomikou, P., Druitt, T.H., & Papanikolaou, D., 2021. Chronostratigraphic Analysis of the Evolution of the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo Volcanic Field. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, 3 - 10 April 2021.
  • Schmid, F., Karstens, J., & Nomikou, P., 2021. Identification and interpretation of seismic short-duration events inside the Kolumbo submarine volcano in the Southern Aegean. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, 3 - 10 April 2021.
  • K眉hn, M., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., & Watt, S.F.L., 2021.  Seismic reconstruction of seafloor sediment deformation during volcanic debris avalanche emplacement offshore Sakar, Papua New Guinea. DGG Meeting 2021, Kiel, 1 鈥 5 March 2021.
  • Karstens, J., Crutchley, G., Nomikou, P., Preine, J., K眉hn, M., Elger, J., Schmid, F., Dalla Valle, G., H眉bscher, C., & Berndt, C., 2021. POS538: High-resolution 2D and 3D reflection seismic analysis of tsunamigenic volcanic eruptions in the Southern Aegean Sea (Greece). DGG Meeting 2021, Kiel, 1 鈥 5 March 2021.
  • Schmid, F., Karstens, J., & Nomikou, P., 2021. Identification and interpretation of seismic short-duration events inside the Kolumbo submarine volcano in the Southern Aegean. DGG Meeting 2021, Kiel, 1 鈥 5 March 2021.
  • Bo虉ttner, C., H盲ckel, M., Schmidt, M., Berndt, C., Vielst盲dte, L., & Karstens, J., 2019. Greenhouse gas emissions from marine decommissioned hydrocarbon wells: leakage detection, monitoring and mitigation strategies. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 9 - 13 December 2019.
  • Urlaub, M., Morgan, J., Berndt, C., & Karstens, J., 2019. Understanding the 1888 sector collapse of Ritter Island (Papua New Guinea) by integrating 3D seismic data and Discrete Element Models. GeoM眉nster 2019, M眉nster, 22 - 25 September 2019.
  • Bo虉ttner, C., Berndt, C., Reinardy, B.T.I., & Karstens, J., 2019. Pockmarks within a stratigraphic framework from the Witch Ground Basin, central North Sea. INQUA Congress 2019, Dublin, 25 - 31 July 2019.
  • Bull, J.M., Berndt, C., Minshull, T.A., Henstock, T.J., Bayrakci, G., Gehrmann, R., B枚ttner, C., Schramm, B., Callow, B., Chapman, M., Yilo, N., Dewar, M., Chen, B., Saleem, U., Marin-Moreno, H., Provenzano, G., Lichtschlag, A., Falcon-Suarez, I., Roche, B., James, R., Connelly, D.P., Matter, J., Elger, J., Karstens, J., & Best, A.I., 2018. Constraining leakage pathways through the overburden above sub-seafloor CO2 storage reservoirs. International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technology (GHGT-14), Melbourne, 21 鈥 26 October 2018.
  • Karstens, J., Urlaub, M., Berndt, C., Watt, S.F.L., Micallef, A., Kelfoun, K., Klaucke, I., Ray, M., Brune, S., Muff, S., & Klaeschen, D., 2018. From slow spreading to catastrophic collapse: 3D seismic reconstruction of the 1888 Ritter Island sector collapse. 10th Cities on Volcanoes (COV10), Naples, 2 鈥 7 September 2018.
  • Watt, S.F.L., Berndt, C., Karstens, J., Urlaub, M., & Krastel, S., 2018. Hazard implications of large-scale edifice collapses: insights into complex landslide processes, tsunami hazards and modified eruptive behaviour following the Ritter Island 1888 collapse. 10thCities on Volcanoes (COV10), Naples, 2 鈥 7 September 2018.
  • B枚ttner, C., Schramm, B., Berndt, C., Karstens, J., Hacker, M., Elger, J., Callow, B., Bull, J., Lichtschlag, A., & Reinardy, B.T.I., 2018. Pockmark formation in the Witch Ground Basin, central North Sea. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, 8 鈥 13 April 2018.
  • Karstens, J., Urlaub, M., Berndt, C., Watt, S.F.L., Micallef, A., Klaucke, I., Klaeschen, D., Brune, S., & K眉hn, M., 2017. The complex emplacement dynamics and tsunami genesis of the 1888 Ritter Island sector collapse from 3D seismic data. AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, 11 - 15 December 2017.
  • Vielst盲dte, L., Haeckel, M., Karstens, J., Linke, P., Steinle, L., Schmidt, M., & Wallmann, K., 2017. Dealing with legacy wells: Leakage of shallow gas along hydrocarbon wells in the North Sea. 11th IEAGHG Monitoring Network Meeting, Traverse City, 13 - 15 June 2017.
  • Vielst盲dte, L., Haeckel, M., Karstens, J., Linke, P., Schmidt, M., Steinle, L., & Wallmann, K.,2016. Leaky hydrocarbon wells are an unconsidered source for biogenic methane in the North Sea. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 12 - 16 December 2016.
  • Karstens, J., Haflidason, H., R眉pke, L., Fuchs, S., Dahlgren, T., Becker, L., Berndt, C., Planke, S., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., & B眉nz, S., 2016. The impact of sedimentation and erosion on gas hydrate dynamics during and after glaciations on the Norwegian continental shelf. Gas in Marine Sediments (GIMS 13), Troms酶, 19 鈥 22 September 2016.
  • Karstens, J., Haflidason, H., Becker, L., Sejrup, H.P., Berndt, C., Planke, S., & Dahlgren, T., 2016. The impact of increased sedimentation rates associated with the decay of the Fennoscandian ice-sheet on gas hydrate stability and focused fluid flow at the Nyegga pockmark field, offshore mid-Norway. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, 17 鈥 22 April 2016.
  • Berndt, C., Hensen, C., Mortera-Gutierrez, C., Sarkar, S., Geilert, S., Schmidt, M., Liebetrau, V., Kipfer, R., Scholz, F. Doll, M., Muff, S., Karstens, J., B枚ttner, C., Chi, W.-C., Moser, M., Behrendt, R., Fiskal, A., Lever, M., Planke, S., & Lizarralde, D., 2015. Hydrothermal activity of in the northern Guaymas Basin.  AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 14 - 18 December 2015.
  • Karstens, J., & Berndt, C. 2014. Insights into focused fluid conduit formation from comparing seismic chimneys and pipes with field observations of fluid flow manifestations in the Colorado Plateau. AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 15 - 19 December 2014.
  • Flach, T., Solomon, S., Cavanagh, A., Schelland, M., Wildenborg, T., Buenz, S., Karstens, J., Ahmed, N., Chadwick, A., & Holloway, S., 2014. Evaluating propensity of leakage with Bayesian Belief Nets (BN). International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technology (GHGT-12), Austin, 5 鈥 9 October 2014.
  • Karstens, J., & Berndt, C., 2014. Seismic chimneys in the Southern Viking Graben. Gas in Marine Sediments (GIMS 12), Taipei, 1 鈥 4 September 2014.
  • Vielst盲dte, L., Karstens, J., Haeckel, M., Schmidt, M., Linke, P., Reimann, S., Liebetrau, V., & Wallmann, K., 2014. Anthropogenic Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in the North Sea- How much Methane is Leaking into the Ocean and finally into the Atmosphere? Gas in Marine Sediments (GIMS 12), Taipei 1 鈥 4 September 2014.
  • Karstens, J., Berndt, C., & Crutchley, G.J., 2014. 3D seismic investigation of volcanic landslide deposits offshore Montserrat. 7th Annual P-Cable Workshop, 3 鈥 4 February 2014.
  • Haeckel, M., Wallmann, K., Schmidt, M., Liebetrau, V., Sommer, S., Schroller, D., Sch枚nfeld, J., Karstens, J., & Berndt, C.,2013. Fluid expulsion at a 3-km long fracture system in the Northern North Sea 鈥 geochemical constraints on the origin of gas and water. AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, 9 - 13 December 2013.
  • Karstens, J. Berndt, C., & Crutchley, G.J., 2013. Why every dimension matters: Interpretation of volcanic landslide deposits from 3D seismic and time-lapse bathymetric data from offshore Montserrat. International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences (ISSMMTC), Kiel, 23 - 25 September 2013.
  • Berndt, C., Crutchley, G.J., Krastel, S., Karstens, J., Dumke, I., & D眉nnbier, K., 2012. Recent slope mobilizations in the Storegga Slide area. Invited talk at the AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012.
  • Talling, P.J., Kataoka, K., Endo, D., Watt, S.F., Le Friant, A., Ishizuka, O. IODP Expedition 340 Scientific Party, Berndt, C., Crutchley, G.J., & Karstens, J., 2012. New insights into composition and source, single or multistage emplacement, and relationship to eruption cycles from first drilling of volcanic island landslides, offshore Montserrat. AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, 3 - 7 December 2012.
  • Karstens, J., Berndt, C., & Crutchley, G.J., 2012. Insights into pyroclastic flow emplacement from high-resolution 3D seismic data from Montserrat, Lesser Antilles. DGG Meeting 2012, Hamburg, 5 鈥 8 March 2012.



  • Karstens, J., 2015. Focused fluid conduits in the Southern Viking Graben and their implications for the Sleipner CO2 storage project. Ph.D. thesis, Kiel University, 183 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2011. 3D seismic investigation of volcanic mass wasting deposits offshore Montserrat. M.Sc. thesis, Kiel University, 68 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2009. Determination of the blasting force of explosives by seismic measurements. B.Sc. thesis, Kiel University, 50 pp.


Scientific reports

  • Bohloli, B., Sparrevik, P.M., Vo虉ge, M., Frauenfelder, R., Park, J., Berndt, C., Bateson, L., Karstens, J., Hussain, E., & Novellino, A., 2020.  Quantification of ground movement State-of-the-art. SENSE-Act Deliverable D1.1, 66 pp.
  • Karstens, J., Crutchley, G., Elger, J., K眉hn, M., Schmid, F., Dalla Valle, G., Preine, J. & Nomikou, P., 2020. R/V Poseidon Cruise Report 538 - THESEUS Tsunami hazard of explosive submarine eruptions, 7th October 鈥 28th October 2019, Cartagena (Spain) - Heraklion (Greece).  91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany, 106 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2020. Short Cruise Report R/V Poseidon 鈥 POS538, 7th October 鈥 28th October, 2019 Cartagena (Spain) - Heraklion (Greece); THESEUS - Kolumbo 2019. 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany, 13 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2019. 1. Wochenbericht POS538. 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, 2 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2019. 2. Wochenbericht POS538. 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, 2 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2019. 3. Wochenbericht POS538. 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, 2 pp.
  • Karstens, J., B枚ttner, C., Edwards, M., Falcon-Suarez, I., Flohr, A., James, R., Lichtschlag, A., Maicher, D., Pheasant, I., Roche, B., Schramm, B., & Wilson, M., 2019. RV MARIA S. MERIAN Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report MSM78 - PERMO 2, Edinburgh 鈥 Edinburgh (U.K.), 16.10. 鈥 25.10.2018. 91探花 Report, N. Ser. 048. 91探花 Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 60 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2018. Short Cruise Report Maria S. Merian 鈥 MSM78, Edinburgh 鈥 Edinburgh, 16th October 鈥 25th October, 2018. PERMO 2.  91探花 Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 10 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2018. 1. Wochenbericht MSM78. 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, 2 pp.
  • Karstens, J. 2018. 2. Wochenbericht MSM78. 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, 1 pp.
  • Karstens, J., Schneider von Deimling, J., B枚ttner, C., Elger, J., Hilbert, H. S., K眉hn, M., K眉hn, R., M眉ller, P., Reinardy, B., & Schramm, B., 2018. R/V ALKOR Cruise Report 512 [AL512] - North Sea Blowouts, 15th July - 26th July, 2018, Cuxhaven - Kiel (Germany).  91探花, Kiel, Germany, 39 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2018. Short Cruise Report Alkor - AL512. 91探花 Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 10 pp.
  • Karstens, J., 2018. 1. Wochenbericht AL512. 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, 2 pp.
  • Berndt, C., Elger, J., B枚ttner, C., Gehrmann, R., Karstens, J., Muff, S., Pitcairn, B., Schramm, B., Lichtschlag, A., & V枚lsch, A., eds., 2017. RV MARIA S. MERIAN Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report MSM63 - PERMO, Southampton 鈥 Southampton (U.K.) 29.04.-25.05.2017. 91探花 Report, N. Ser. 037. 91探花 Helmholtz-Zentrum f眉r Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, 137 pp.
  • Berndt, C., Hensen, C., Muff, S., Karstens, J., Schmidt, M., Liebetrau, V., Kipfer, R., Lever, M., B枚ttner, C., Doll, M., Sarkar, S. & Geilert, S.,2015. RV SONNE 241 Cruise Report / Fahrtbericht, Manzanillo, 23.6.2015 鈥 Guayaquil, 24.7.2015: SO241 - MAKS: Magmatism induced carbon escape from marine sediments as a climate driver 鈥 Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California. 91探花 Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 74 pp.
  • Karstens, J., Berndt, C., B眉nz, S., Tasianas, A., Class, H., Ahmed, W. and Orlic, B. & ECO2, 2014. WP1 summary report relevant for risk assessment. ECO2 Deliverable, D1.3, 23 pp.
  • Baumberger, T., B眉nz, S., Pedersen, R.B., Blomberg, A.E., Landschulze, K., Tasianas, A., Berndt, C., Karstens, J., Class, H., Ahmed, W., Flemisch, B., Chadwick, A., Holloway, S., White, J. C., Cevatoglu, M., Bull, J. Orlic, B. & ECO2, 2014. WP1 result summary report relevant for 鈥淓nvironmental Best Practice鈥. ECO2 Deliverable, D1.2, 32 pp.
  • Linke, P., Haeckel, M., Schneider von Deimling, J., Vielst盲dte, L., Schmidt, M., Karstens, J., Berndt, C., Herreilers, H., Lichtschlag, A., James, R., Connelly, D., Baumberger, T., Pedersen, R.B., Denny, A.R., Rapp, H. T., Thorseth, I.H., Molari, M., de Beer, D., Rehder, G., Kedzior, S., Beaubien, S. & de Vittor, C., 2014. Fluxes of CO2 from natural seep sites and Sleipner storage site. ECO2 Deliverable, D2.2, 43 pp.
  • Pedersen, R. B., Baumberger, T., Berndt, C., Blomberg, A.E., B眉nz, S., Chadwick, A., Class, H., Darcis, M., Flemisch, B., Holloway, S., Karstens, J., Landschulze, K., Tasianas, A., Thorseth, I.H. & White, J. C., 2013. Report of Leakage Assessment. ECO2 Deliverable, D1.1, 77 pp.
  • Kopp, H., Dannowski, A., Argnani, A., Dasovic, I., Dumke, I., Elger, J., Flueh, E., Frey, B., Handy, M.R., Karstens, J., Kordowski, M., Krabbenhoeft, A., M枚gelt枚nder, J., Papenberg, C., Planert, L., Steffen, K.P., Stipcevic, J., Ustaszewski, K., Weinrebe, W., Wiskandt, T. & Zander, T., 2013. Adria lithosphere investigation alpha - Cruise No. M86/3, January 20 - February 04, 2012, Brindisi (Italy) - Dubrovnik (Croatia). METEOR-Berichte, M86/3. DFG-Senatskommission f眉r Ozeanographie, Bremen, 48 pp.