Dr. Saif Ur Rehman


Forschungsbereich 3: Marine Ökologie
FE Marine Naturstoffchemie

ENB, Raum: 2.425
Tel.: +49 431 600-4139
E-Mail: surrehman(at)geomar.de

Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel

Research interests:

Natural products chemistry, mainly focused on large scale fermentation, extraction, fractionation, isolation and structure elucidation of secondary metabolites via NMR, HRMS and IR spectroscopy.

Academic positions:

Ph. D in Medicinal Chemistry (Natural Product Chemistry), Ocean University of China, P.R. China (2020)

M. Phil. in Bio Chemistry, Gomal University, Pakistan (2015)

Pharm. D in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gomal University, Pakistan (2010)

Postdoctoral researcher at 91̽»¨ Kiel since March 2024.


Rehman SU, Yang LJ, Zhang YH, Wu JS, Shi T, Haider W, Shao CL, Wang CY. Sorbicillinoid derivatives from sponge-derived fungus Trichoderma reesei (HN-2016-018). Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020; Jun 23;11:1334. doi.org/

Rehman SU, Wu JS, Yang LJ, Ting S, Shao CL, Wang CY. One new terphenyl glycoside from a sponge-derived fungus Trichoderma reesei (HN-2016-018). Natural Product Communications. 2020; Feb15(2): .

Wu JS, Yao GS, Shi XH, Rehman SU, Xu Y, Fu XM, Zhang XL, Liu Y, Wang CY. Epigenetic agents trigger the production of bioactive nucleoside derivatives and bisabolane sesquiterpenes from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus versicolor. Frontiers in microbiology. 2020; Jan 30;11:85. doi.org/

Islam N, Khan NU, Razzaq A, Menaa F, Khan ZU, Hussain A, Rehman SU, Iqbal H, Ni J. Loratadine oral bioavailability enhancement via solid dispersion loaded oro-dispersible films: Formulation, characterization and pharmacokinetics. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2023 Oct 1;230:113526. doi.org/

Iqbal H, Razzaq A, Khan NU, Rehman SU, Webster TJ, Xiao R, Menaa F. pH-responsive albumin-coated biopolymeric nanoparticles with lapatinab for targeted breast cancer therapy. Biomaterials Advances. 2022 Aug 1;139:213039. doi.org/