Fiene Stoepke

Forschungsbereich 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
FE Marine Geodynamik

Raum: 8C-202
Telefon: +49 431 600-2328
Adresse: Wischhofstraße 1-3, D-24148 Kiel

Wissenschaftliches Interesse

  • Numerische Modelierungen 
  • Naturgefahren
  • Gesteinsmechanik
  • Entwicklung des Spannungfeldes der Lithosphere
  • Tektonik

Ausbildung und Werdegang

Seit 12/2022
Doktorandin am 91̽»¨ Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung, Kiel

10/2020 - 11/2022
M.Sc. in Geowissenschaften, Leibniz Universität Hannover

09/2019 - 12/2019
Auslandssemester mit ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) , Brock University (St. Catherines, ON, Canada)

10/2017 - 09/2020
B.Sc. in Geowissenschaften, Leibniz Universität Hannover


RV SONNE SO299/2: REET – Reconstructing volcanic eruptions and tsunamis of Krakatau volcano


2nd Edition of the International Field Course on Physical Volcanology, Tenerife (Canary Islands), IAVCEI Commission on Volcano Geology

Mitgliedschaft und Ämter

Seit 01/2022
Mitglied der jungen DGGV (Junge Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft - Geologische Vereinigung)


Young Scientist Buchpreis in der Young Scientist Session der GeoBerlin 2022
2. Platz für den Vortrag â€žImpact of Glaciation and Glacial Erosion on the Stress Field in Forearcs“


Stoepke, F., Ikari, M.J., Morgan, J.M., Urlaub, M., 2024. Frictional Behavior of the Thrust Sheets Buttressing the Submarine Flank of Kilauea Volcano (Hawaii) [Poster], AGU 2024.

Matthies, F., Morgan, J.K., Ikari, M.J., Urlaub, M., 2024. Insights from finite-element models into the origin of the Hilina Slump at Kilauea volcano (Hawaii, USA) [Poster], GeoSaxonia 2024. .

Dielforder, A., Matthies, F., Hampel, A., 2024. Effects of glaciations on the tectonics of active continental margins: Insights from force-balance models and implications for the North Patagonian Andes [Poster], EGU 2024. . 

Matthies, F., Urlaub, M., Ikari, M., Hampel, A., 2024. Insights into the deformation pattern and the edifice stability of oceanic volcanoes from direct shear experiments and finite-element models: A case-study of Anak Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia) [Talk], Symposium on Tectonics – Structural Geology – Crystalline Geology TSK-20.

Matthies, F., Dielforder, A., Hampel, A., 2024. Force-balance modelling of the impact of glacial erosion, trench sedimentation, megathrust weakening and glacial loading on the stress state of the crust at active continental margins. Tectonophysics 871, 230180. .

Matthies, F., Urlaub, M., Ikari, M., 2023. The Influence of the Volcano Geometry and the Rock Mechanical Properties on the Edifice Stability of Oceanic Volcanoes: A Case-Study of Anak Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia) [Talk], Oceanic Volcanism Workshop.

Matthies, F., Urlaub, M., Ikari, M., 2023. Insights Into the Edifice Stability of Anak-Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia) Before the Lateral Collapse in December 2018 from Direct Shear Experiments and Finite-Element Models [Talk], GeoBerlin 2023. . 

Matthies, F., Dielforder, A., Hampel, A., 2022. Impact of Glaciation and Glacial Erosion on the Stress Field in Forearcs [Talk], GeoMin Köln 2022. .