Prof. Dr. Morelia Urlaub

Juniorprofessorin für Marine Geomechanik

Leiterin der Nachwuchsgruppe

Dynamik des Ozeanbodens | Marine Geodynamik


Raum:    8C-205

Telefon:  +49 431 600-2638

E-Mail:    murlaub(at)

Adresse: Wischhofstraße 1-3, D-24148 Kiel


Wissenschaftliches Interesse

Submarine Naturgefahren

Langzeitbeobachtungen am Meeresboden

Fluidzirkulation und Deformation von Kontinentalhängen

Hangstabilität und submarine Rutschungen

Numerische Modellierung


Ausbildung und Werdegang

seit 06/2022 Juniorprofessorin für Marine Geomechanik (CAU Kiel und 91̽»¨)

seit 02/2021 Nachwuchsgruppenleiterin am 91̽»¨

06/2013 - 01/2021 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am 91̽»¨

01/2013 - 03/2013 Post Doc am National Oceanography Centre Southampton im Projekt "Will climate change in the Arctic increase the landslide-tsunami risk to the UK?"

12/2012 PhD an der University of Southampton, United Kingdom

04/2009 MSc 'Marine Geowissenschaften' an der Universität Bremen

07/2006 BSc 'Geowissenschaften' an der Universität Bremen

08/2002 - 07/2003 Lehrerin an der Village School, Guatemala City, Guatemala


Aktive Projekte

2024 - 2027 MAWACAAP: Quantifying the role of Mass Wasting in submarine Canyons on Active and Passive margins; RV SONNE Expedition SO310, BMBF (Co-PI)

2023 - 2025  REET: REconstructing VOLcanic erUptions and Tsunamis Of Krakatau VolcaNo; R/V SONNE Expedition 299/2, BMBF (PI)

2022 - 2024  , Helmholtz Innovation Pool (Co-PI)

2021 - 2026  , Helmholtz Young Investigator Group (PI)

2021 - 2026   , ERC Starting Grant (PI)


Ausgewählte Medienberichte

ARD Wissen:

91̽»¨ Porträt:

Planet Wissen:

National Geographic:

New Scientist:

Nature Research Highlights:

Geological Society of America:

AGU Landslide Blog:

Earth System Knowledge Platform:




2024 RV METEOR M198 (Fahrtleitung)

2023 RV SONNE SO299/2 (Fahrtleitung)


2021 FS METEOR (stellvertr. Fahrtleitung)

2020 FS SONNE SO277 (Nebennutzung)

2020 FS ALKOR AL532 (Fahrtleitung)

2018 RV PELAGIA 64PE443 (Nebennutzung)

2012 FS METEOR M86/2




2005 FS METEOR M65/2


Artikel in einer Fachzeitschrift - begutachtet

Number of items: 42.

Lippert, A., Schindlbeck-Belo, J. C. , Hansteen, T. H. , Del Carlo, P., Heinrich, M., Behncke, B., Bonforte, A., Urlaub, M. , Kolling, H., Barrett, R. and Gross, F. (2025) Open Access Bulletin of Volcanology, 87 . Art.Nr. 4 (2025). DOI .

Baker, M. L., Talling, P. J., Burnett, R., Pope, E. L., Ruffell, S. C., Urlaub, M. , Clare, M. A., Jenkins, J., Dietze, M., Neasham, J., Silva Jacinto, R., Hage, S., Hasenhündl, M., Simmons, S. M., Heerema, C. J., Heijnen, M. S., Kunath, P., Cartigny, M. J. B., McGhee, C. and Parsons, D. R. (2024) Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (23). e2024GL111078. DOI .

Rollwage, L., Sánchez-Guillamón, O., Sippl, C., León, R., Vázquez, J. T., Urlaub, M. , Gross, F., Böttner, C., Krastel, S. and Geersen, J. (2024) Open Access Geomorphology, 465 . Art.Nr. 109401. DOI .

Li, W., Krastel, S. , Alves, T. M., Jing, S., Rebesco, M., Gross, F., Urlaub, M. and Georgiopoulou, A. (2024) Sedimentology, 71 (5). pp. 1436-1456. DOI .

Pandolpho, B. T., Urlaub, M. , Berndt, C. and Bialas, J. (2024) Open Access Basin Research, 36 (1). Art.Nr. e12819. DOI .

Klein, E., Hadré, E., Krastel, S. and Urlaub, M. (2023) Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 10 . Art.Nr. 1259262. DOI .

Clare, M. A., Yeo, I. A., Watson, S., Wysoczanski, R., Seabrook, S., Mackay, K., Hunt, J. E., Lane, E., Talling, P. J., Pope, E., Cronin, S., Ribó, M., Kula, T., Tappin, D., Henrys, S., de Ronde, C., Urlaub, M. , Kutterolf, S. , Fonua, S., Panuve, S., Veverka, D., Rapp, R., Kamalov, V. and Williams, M. (2023) Science, 381 (6662). pp. 1085-1092. DOI .

Furst, S., Urlaub, M. , Klein, E. and Bonanati, C. (2023) Open Access Frontiers in Earth Science, 11 . Art.Nr. 1130561. DOI .

Gutscher, M. A., Quetel, L., Murphy, S., Riccobene, G., Royer, J. Y., Barreca, G., Aurnia, S., Klingelhoefer, F., Cappelli, G., Urlaub, M. , Krastel, S. , Gross, F. and Kopp, H. (2023) Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616 . Art.Nr. 118230. DOI .

Karstens, J. , Preine, J., Carey, S., Bell, K. L. C., Nomikou, P., Hübscher, C., Lampridou, D. and Urlaub, M. (2023) Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616 . Art.Nr. 118215. DOI .

Schulten, I., Micallef, A. , Krastel, S. , Urlaub, M. , Gutscher, M. A. and Kopp, H. (2023) Open Access Marine Geology, 459 . Art.Nr. 107047. DOI .

Sager, T. F., Urlaub, M. , Kaminski, P., Papenberg, C. , Lastras, G., Canals, M. and Berndt, C. (2022) Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23 (11). e2022GC010469. DOI .

Köser, K., Kwasnitschka, T. and Urlaub, M. (2022) Open Access Informatik Spektrum, 45 . pp. 319-322. DOI .

Giona Bucci, M., Micallef, A. , Urlaub, M. , Mountjoy, J. and Barrett, R. (2022) Open Access Geomorphology, 414 . Art.Nr. 108397. DOI .

Pope, E. L., Heijnen, M. S., Talling, P. J., Jacinto, R. S., Gaillot, A., Baker, M. L., Hage, S., Hasenhündl, M., Heerema, C. J., McGhee, C., Ruffell, S. C., Simmons, S. M., Cartigny, M. J. B., Clare, M. A., Dennielou, B., Parsons, D. R., Peirce, C. and Urlaub, M. (2022) Open Access Nature Geoscience, 15 . pp. 845-853. DOI .

Talling, P. J., Baker, M. L., Pope, E. L., Ruffell, S. C., Jacinto, R. S., Heijnen, M. S., Hage, S., Simmons, S. M., Hasenhündl, M., Heerema, C. J., McGhee, C., Apprioual, R., Ferrant, A., Cartigny, M. J. B., Parsons, D. R., Clare, M. A., Tshimanga, R. M., Trigg, M. A., Cula, C. A., Faria, R., Gaillot, A., Bola, G., Wallance, D., Griffiths, A., Nunny, R., Urlaub, M. , Peirce, C., Burnett, R., Neasham, J. and Hilton, R. J. (2022) Open Access Nature Communications, 13 . Art.Nr. 4193 (2022). DOI .

Riedel, M. , Saeed, A., Urlaub, M. , Zhang, J. and Kopf, A. (2022) Open Access Marine Geophysical Research, 43 . Art.Nr. 25 (2022). DOI .

Grossmann, V., Nakath, D., Urlaub, M. , Oppelt, N., Koch, R. and Köser, K. (2022) Open Access ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-4-2022 . pp. 345-352. DOI .

Urlaub, M. , Geersen, J. , Petersen, F. , Gross, F., Bonforte, A., Krastel, S. and Kopp, H. (2022) Open Access Frontiers in Earth Science, 10 . Art.Nr. 810790. DOI .

Kaminski, P., Sager, T., Grabe, J. and Urlaub, M. (2021) Open Access Engineering Geology, 295 . Art.Nr. 106446. DOI .

Karstens, J. , Berndt, C. , Urlaub, M. , Watt, S. F. L., Micallef, A. , Ray, M., Klaucke, I. , Muff, S., Klaeschen, D. , Kühn, M., Roth, T., Böttner, C. , Schramm, B., Elger, J. and Brune, S. (2019) Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 517 . pp. 1-13. DOI .

Watt, S. F. L. , Karstens, J. , Micallef, A., Berndt, C. , Urlaub, M. , Ray, M., Desai, A., Sammartini, M., Klaucke, I. , Böttner, C. , Day, S., Downes, H. , Kühn, M. and Elger, J. (2019) Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 517 . pp. 135-147. DOI .

Petersen, F. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K. and Urlaub, M. (2019) Open Access Journal of Geodynamics, 124 . pp. 14-24. DOI .

Bellwald, B., Urlaub, M. , Hjelstuen, B. O., Sejrup, H. P., Sørensen, M. B. , Forsberg, C. F. and Vanneste, M. (2019) Open Access Quaternary Science Reviews, 203 . pp. 248-265. DOI .

Urlaub, M. , Petersen, F. , Gross, F. , Bonforte, A. , Puglisi, G. , Guglielmino, F. , Krastel, S., Lange, D. and Kopp, H. (2018) Open Access Science Advances, 4 (10). eaat9700. DOI .

Li, W., Krastel, S., Alves, T. M., Urlaub, M. , Mehringer, L., Schürer, A., Feldens, P., Gross, F., Stevenson, C. J. and Wynn, R. B. (2018) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 498 . pp. 436-449. DOI .

Urlaub, M. , Geersen, J. , Krastel, S. and Schwenk, T. (2018) Open Access Geology, 46 (4). pp. 331-334. DOI .

Micallef, A. , Camerlenghi, A., Garcia-Castellanos, D., Cunarro Otero, D., Gutscher, M. A., Barreca, G., Spatola, D., Facchin, L., Geletti, R., Krastel, S., Gross, F. and Urlaub, M. (2018) Open Access Scientific Reports, 8 (1078). DOI .

Li, W., Alves, T. M., Urlaub, M. , Georgiopoulou, A., Klaucke, I. , Wynn, R. B., Gross, F., Meyer, M., Repschläger, J., Berndt, C. and Krastel, S. (2017) Open Access Marine Geology, 393 . pp. 109-123. DOI .

Micallef, A. , Watt, S., Berndt, C. , Urlaub, M. , Brune, S., Klaucke, I. , Böttner, C. , Karstens, J. and Elger, J. (2017) Open Access Eos: Earth & Space Science News, 48 . DOI .

Scholz, N. A., Riedel, M. , Urlaub, M. , Spence, G. D. and Hyndman, R. D. (2016) Geo-Marine Letters, 36 (5). pp. 323-337. DOI .

Gross, F., Krastel, S., Geersen, J. , Behrmann, J. H. , Ridente, D., Chiocci, F. L., Bialas, J. , Papenberg, C. , Cukur, D., Urlaub, M. and Micallef, A. (2016) Open Access Tectonophysics, 667 . pp. 63-76. DOI .

Pope, E., Talling, P. J., Urlaub, M. , Hunt, J. E., Clare, M. A. and Challenor, P. (2015) Marine Geology, 369 . pp. 19-33. DOI .

Urlaub, M. , Talling, P. J., Zervos, A. and Masson , D. G. (2015) Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120 (10). pp. 6722-6739. DOI .

Urlaub, M. , Talling, P. and Clare, M. (2014) Open Access Geology, 42 (6). e337. DOI .

Talling, P., Clare, M., Urlaub, M. , Pope, E., Hunt, J. and Watt, S. (2014) Oceanography, 27 (2). pp. 32-45. DOI .

Crutchley, G. J. , Karstens, J. , Berndt, C. , Talling, P. J., Watt, S. F. L., Vardy, M. E., Hühnerbach, V., Urlaub, M. , Sarkar, S. , Klaeschen, D. , Paulatto, M., LeFriant, A., Lebas, E. and Maeno, F. (2013) Marine Geology, 335 . pp. 1-15. DOI .

Urlaub, M. , Talling, P. J. and Masson, D. G. (2013) Open Access Quaternary Science Reviews, 72 . pp. 63-82. DOI .

Watt, S. F. L., Talling, P. J., Vardy, M. E., Heller, V., Hühnerbach, V., Urlaub, M. , Sarkar, S. , Masson, D. G., Henstock, T. J., Minshull, T. A., Paulatto, M., LeFriant, A., Lebas, E. , Berndt, C. , Crutchley, G. J. , Karstens, J. , Stinton, A. J. and Maeno, F. (2012) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 319 . pp. 228-240. DOI .

Watt, S. F. L., Talling, P. J., Vardy, M. E., Masson, D. G., Henstock, T. J., Hühnerbach, V., Minshull, T. A., Urlaub, M. , Lebas, E. , Le Friant, A., Berndt, C. , Crutchley, G. J. and Karstens, J. (2012) Marine Geology, 323-325 . pp. 69-94. DOI .

Urlaub, M. and Fabian, M. (2011) Journal of Geodynamics, 51 (4). pp. 219-232. DOI .

Urlaub, M. , Schmidt-Aursch, M., Jokat, W. and Kaul, N. (2009) Marine Geophysical Researches, 30 (4). pp. 277-292. DOI .

This list was generated on Tue Feb 4 16:16:30 2025 CET.


Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2014 | 2012
Number of items: 13.


Clare, M., Lintern, D. G., Pope, E., Baker, M., Ruffell, S., Zulkifli, M., Simmons, S., Urlaub, M. , Belal, M. and Talling, P. (2024) In: Noisy Oceans: Monitoring Seismic and Acoustic Signals in the Marine Environment. , ed. by Bayrakci, G. and Klingelhöfer, F.. Geophysical Monograph Series, 284 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 59-82. ISBN 978-1-119-75089-5 DOI .


Kaminski, P., Grabe, J., Sager, T. F. and Urlaub, M. (2022) In: Proceedings of the ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 5–10, 2022, Hamburg, Germany. ; 9: Offshore Geotechnics . ASME, New York, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-0-7918-8594-9


Kaminski, P. , Urlaub, M. , Grabe, J. and Berndt, C. (2020) In: Subaqueous Mass Movements and their Consequences: Advances in Process Understanding, Monitoring and Hazard. , ed. by Georgiopoulou, A.. Special Publications Geological Society London, 500 . Geological Society of London, London, pp. 277-288. DOI .

Mencaroni, D. , Llopart, J. , Urgeles, R. , Lafuerza, S., Gràcia, E. , Le Friant, A. and Urlaub, M. (2020) In: Subaqueous Mass Movements and their Consequences: Advances in Process Understanding, Monitoring and Hazard Assessments. , ed. by Georgiopoulou, A.. Special Publications Geological Society London, 500 . GSL (Geological Society of London), London, pp. 289-300. DOI .

Urlaub, M. , Kratzke, I. and Hjelstuen, B. O. (2020) In: Subaqueous Mass Movements and their Consequences: Advances in Process Understanding, Monitoring and Hazard. , ed. by Georgiopoulou, A.. Special Publications Geological Society London, 500 . GSL (Geological Society of London), London, pp. 255-266. DOI .


Urlaub, M. , Krastel, S. and Schwenk, T. (2019) In: Submarine Landslides: Subaqueous Mass Transport Deposits from Outcrops to Seismic Profiles. , ed. by Ogata, K., Pini, G. A. and Festa, A.. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., pp. 299-311. DOI .

Clare, M. A., Chaytor, J., Dabson, O., Gamboa, D., Georgiopoulou, A., Eady, H., Hunt, J., Jackson, C., Katz, O., Krastel, S., Leon, R., Micallef, A. , Moernaut, J., Moriconi, R., Moscardelli, L., Mueller, C., Normandeau, A., Patacci, M., Steventon, M., Urlaub, M. , Voelker, D., Wood, L. and Zane, J. (2019) In: Subaqueous Mass Movements and Their Consequences: Assessing Geohazards, Environmental Implications and Economic Significance of Subaqueous Landslides. . Geological Society London Special Publications, 477 . Geological Society, London, pp. 455-477. DOI .

Krastel, S., Li, W., Urlaub, M. , Georgiopoulou, A., Wynn, R. B., Schwenk, T., Stevenson, C. and Feldens, P. (2019) In: Subaqueous Mass Movements and Their Consequences: Assessing Geohazards, Environmental Implications and Economic Significance of Subaqueous Landslides. , ed. by Lintern, D. G.. Special Publications Geological Society London, 477 . GSL (Geological Society London), London, UK, pp. 151-167. DOI .


Riedel, M. , Cote, M. M., Urlaub, M. , Geersen, J. , Scholz, N. A., Naegeli, K. and Spence, G. D. (2018) In: Subaqueous Mass Movements and Their Consequences: Assessing Geohazards, Environmental Implications and Economic Significance of Subaqueous Landslides. , ed. by Lintern, D. G.. Special Publications Geological Society London, 477 . GSL (Geological Society London), London, UK, Chapter 33. DOI .

Urlaub, M. and Villinger, H. (2018) Open Access In: Subaqueous Mass Movements and Their Consequences: Assessing Geohazards, Environmental Implications and Economic Significance of Subaqueous Landslides. , ed. by Lintern, D. G.. Geological Society London Special Publications, 477 . Geological Society, London, UK, pp. 511-521. DOI .

Clare, M., Chaytor, J., Dabson, O., Gamboa, D., Georgiopoulou, A., Eady, H., Hunt, J., Jackson, C., Katz, O., Krastel, S., León, R., Micallef, A. , Moernaut, J., Moriconi, R., Moscardelli, L., Mueller, C., Normandeau, A., Patacci, M., Steventon, M., Urlaub, M. , Völker, D., Wood, L. and Jobe, Z. (2018) In: Subaqueous Mass Movements and their Consequences: Assessing Geohazards, Environmental Implications and Economic Significance of Subaqueous Landslides. , ed. by Lintern, D. G.. Special Publications Geological Society London, 477 . Geological Society of London, London, pp. 455-477. DOI .


Urlaub, M. , Talling, P. and Zervos, A. (2014) In: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. . Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37 . Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 177-188. ISBN 978-3-319-00971-1 DOI .


Urlaub, M. , Talling, P. J., Zervos, A., Masson, D. G. and Clayton, C. I. (2012) Open Access In: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. , ed. by Yamada, Y., Kawamura, K., Ikehara, K., Ogawa, Y., Urgeles, R., Mosher, D., Chaytor, J. and Strasser, M.. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 31 . Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 277-287. ISBN 978-94-007-2161-6 DOI .

This list was generated on Tue Feb 4 16:16:34 2025 CET.