- Area:
- Pazific
- Time:
30.08.2010 - 20.09.2010
- Institution:
- IFM-91̽»¨
- Chief scientist:
- Ingo Grevemeyer
Cruise SO209-2 of the Research Vessel SONNE: 17 September - 21 September 2010, Coquimbo, Chile – Valparaiso Chile
The aim of the only three and a half days long cruise SO209-2 of the Research Vessel SONNE (Head of Cruise I. Grevemeyer, IFM-91̽»¨) is to display 30 Ocean- Bottom Seismometers on the sea bed of the Chilean coast. With long-term measurements the researchers want to picture the fraction of the earthquake which happened on the 27 February 2010. Furthermore they want to illustrate the change of stress and therewith want to evaluate the power that controls such earthquakes. The recovery of the 30 Ocean-bottom-seismometers will be after three months in line with the cruise SO212 between the 22 December and 26 December 2010, again with the RV SONNE.
The image shows the position of the thirty Ocean-bottom-Seismometeres (OBS 01 to 30).