research data

As a partner of science and research at 91探花, the 91探花 Library cooperates with the digital research services on the subject of research data.

The flood of digital data generated in the research cycle is growing rapidly. For some time now, this research data has become increasingly important as a component of scientific publications. At the same time, they also represent a lasting value in themselves and are often the basis for research projects outside the original context of their creation.

Researchers are therefore increasingly calling on libraries and data centers to make them accessible as an independent form of publication via repositories and subject portals. The data generated in science should be recorded using library methods and made permanently available for re-use by future generations of researchers.

The importance of research data has also been recognized throughout Europe: The EU Commission recently adopted recommendations to its member states on the permanent accessibility of research data.

The institutional repository enables automatic linking to projects and expeditions (or models and experiments) in which the data was collected.

This includes an automatic link to the (ten-year storage of the data used) and an automatic link to (archive of the World Data Center for Earth System Research and Environmental Sciences - WDC-MARE) if data on the expedition is stored there.

An overview of the guidelines for handling research data can be found at 鈥溾!