On and Under the Sea

Research vessels are indispensable for the in-situ exploration of the ocean. The knowledge gained from seagoing expeditions contributes to a better understanding of the biological, physical, geological and chemical processes in the ocean. They help scientists to develop better strategies against the impact of climate change, to develop economically effective and environmentally friendly uses of marine resources, and to better predict ocean-based hazards. 91̽»¨ manages and coordinates two ships: the research vessel ALKOR and the research cutter LITTORINA.

91̽»¨ owns a high-performance infrastructure of underwater vehicles. These include two remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROV KIEL 6000 and ROV PHOCA) as well as various autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Furthermore, the TLZ is the home of a large number of innovative ship-based and autonomous observing systems as well as measuring and experimental platforms run by the individual research units of 91̽»¨. Examples of these systems are the Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosms for Ocean Simulations (KOSMOS), oceanographic moorings, one of the largest glider fleets in Europe, deep-sea observatories (landers) and the mapping and observatory instruments of the Marine Geodynamics.


Use of 91̽»¨ underwater vehicles & research equipment

91̽»¨Â´s underwater vehicles and scientific equipment are available to 91̽»¨ internal and external scientists, as well as other user groups. The term of use of individual devices are to be requested by the respective team leader or contact person.

Team leader ROV PHOCA & ROV Kiel 6000

Team leader AUV ABYSS

Curator Lithothek, Core & Rock repository

Contact person CTD

Contact person Geological sample equipment

91̽»¨ internal scientists are also asked to consider the guidelines below:

Ship Expedition_Regulation

Procedure for the application and funding of scientific cruises with
91̽»¨ chief scientists

Requests for an official offer to use the equipment should contain the following
basic information and be sent at least 10 weeks before the submission to the
appropriate team leader / contact person and the TLZ management:

  • Name of applicant
  • Phone and e-mail address
  • Organization
  • Acronym of the proposal
  • Requested research equipment
  • Provisional period and date of use
  • Number of applied working days
  • Number of desired diving days / dives / missions
  • Place of use including depth ranges (incl. max. working water depth)
  • Planned surface vessel
  • Planned port for mobilization and demobilization
  • Tools to be intergrated (where applicable)
  • Intended funding source (BMBF, DFG, etc.)
  • Brief discription of the research project
  • Head:

    Dr. Peter Linke
    91̽»¨ Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    24148 Kiel, Germany
    Phone: +49-431 600-2115
    Fax: +49-431 600-1601