North Sea
29.05.2011 - 14.06.2011
Chief scientist:
Peter Linke

The 374th expedition of the German research vessel ALKOR (AL374, 29 May – 14 June 2011) is the first scientific cruise of the EU-project ECO2. Its aim is to evaluate the potential impact of sub-seabed carbon dioxide (CO2) storage on marine ecosystems. Therefore, the project partners will study existing sub-seabed storage sites in the Norwegian North Sea and the Barents Sea as well as natural gas seeps at the seafloor. The expedition AL374 includes both facets of the project. First destination of the researchers onboard RV ALKOR are natural gas emission sites in the Southern German North Sea which will be investigated in detail. Afterwards the ALKOR sails to the northern North Sea; to search the seafloor above the „Sleipner“ CO2 storage site for potential leakages. Another working area is the natural methane-field „Tommeliten“, which is south of Norway as well. Chief Scientist of cruise AL374 is Dr Peter Linke of IFM-91̽»¨. The cruise ends on 14 June 2011 in Kiel.